I have Oracle 8i installed in my PC
And i Installed NetBeans7.0rc2 with glassfish server
It shows an error that the glassfish server cannot be started

SEVERE: Shutting down v3 due to startup exception : No free port within range: 8080=com.sun.enterprise.v3.services.impl.monitor.MonitorableSelectorHandler@187955b

i want to chnage the default port number 8080 of glassfish server

help me plssssssssss

ignore the Glassfish server, download Tomcat, install that and set the port yourself.

if you use Apache no need to change port..Because Apache runs on port 80..

Go to the config folder (..\glassfish\domains\domain1\config)
Open domain.xml
Look for 8080 and change it to some other port number that doesn’t conflict with other port numbers.
Save domain.xml.

Restart GlassFish, if it was already running.

"Glassfish administration port change"

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