Actually im creatg a website as a project so how to create database ,and connect asp page to C# code, hw to change template plzz help

Hello Daniwebers Zorro here
I am requesting you on behalf of my friend, please help her with her problems she is facing in her project. Help her, Guide her pls. I have suggested her to use daniweb, saying Daniwebers will help her. So dont let me down, and more importantly dont daniweb let down.
:) Please Help.

1st, spamming is not allowed here and one of the reasons you have been ignored by many is that reason.
2nd, DETAILS. "website as a project so how to create database ,and connect asp page to C# code" is not a explaination of what you are trying to do. Do you want to print information from the database on the page? Do you want to read information from the page and insert it into a database? What database is this? What version of .ASP? DETAILS
3rd, We are not your mother and you are not our child: Spoonfeeding is not something that occurs here.

I hope that my post helps you make your post a lot better. Maybe then someone will help you....

commented: Spamming?? Are u nuts? +0

Such a rude answer!! 1st im nt interested in spamming ,2nd i jst want to knw if anyone knws how to create db for website dats it!! 3rd NO need of tellg dat to me,4th UR post did not help me!!

commented: :D Nice reply +0
Member Avatar for diafol

OK, please relax everybody.

Please show some evidence of having completed some work yourself. Your question is not specific enough either. This is not spam, just a poorly thought out question. So, please rephrase the original question and show any relevant work you've produced so far.

commented: Ya ardav I told her to be more specific +0

OK, please relax everybody. @Rutu3
Please show some evidence of having completed some work yourself. Your question is not specific enough either. This is not spam, just a poorly thought out question. So, please rephrase the original question and show any relevant work you've produced so far.

My post was not a "attack" in any way. Posts sadly dont have tones of voices :P

I was simply stating that there is no way to help and no base to help from if more information is not given.

hi riahc3,
Cant you guide people in proper words?
The way ardav handled it was smart, starting to blame newbies is not solution ok. Couldnt u ask for more details instead? And spamming? If nobody replies how will newbie come to know what the hell is going in ur minds?

Member Avatar for diafol

Ok, this is not going well. I'm going to close this thread if we can't get back on track. So, it's up to rutu3 to rephrase if he (she?) wants to carry on. Ball in his court. Thank you.

Hello Daniwebers Zorro here
I am requesting you on behalf of my friend, please help her with her problems she is facing in her project. Help her, Guide her pls. I have suggested her to use daniweb, saying Daniwebers will help her. So dont let me down, and more importantly dont daniweb let down.
:) Please Help.

Hi ardav,
Its not good. I recommended her to use daniweb. I mentioned guide her too. But still newbie got such a nice response. It happens with almost every newbie. They get down votes, they get rude responses, sometimes they get no responses.

And I dont think she(I mentioned it too) will come back. As far as you are concerned you did great job.

Member Avatar for diafol

Ok, that's a shame. And I hope she (apologies for thinking 'she' was a 'he') comes back and posts some more questions.

It happens with almost every newbie. They get down votes, they get rude responses, sometimes they get no responses.

I don't know if I'd agree with you there zorro. Daniweb has a very healthy current user base, including newbies and old stagers. It can happen sometimes that a question may not be phrased properly or it may be beyond the expertise of contributors currently online - then the thread is moved down the front page as newer threads are created. This is a fact of nature unfortunately - it's happened to me a few times.

With regard to being rude - you're right, there's no excuse for being abusive, but as riahc3 states, written words do not carry 'tone' or inflection, and cold words can often seem rude, when the intention was anything but. I always give posters the benefit of the doubt, especially as English may not be their first language and they may not be aware of the 'polite form' of address.

Peace, goodwill and happy thoughts. :)

Hi Ardav again,
:D you are really great at handling situations like this.


Have some suggestion,
I think some senior posters/moderators/admins should take initiative when there is any thread without any reply for more than 12 hrs, they should consider to reply atleast something that will encourage poster and will make him/her to post more specific question. And 12 hrs are enough to get atleast one reply if it deserve a reply else seniors like you should guide the person to right track.

Member Avatar for diafol

OK, my last post here. This thread is well and truly hijacked and totally off-piste :)

Have some suggestion,
I think some senior posters/moderators/admins should take initiative when there is any thread without any reply for more than 12 hrs, they should consider to reply atleast something that will encourage poster and will make him/her to post more specific question. And 12 hrs are enough to get atleast one reply if it deserve a reply else seniors like you should guide the person to right track.

We do, but to be honest, there are so many threads and posts, it is impossible to reply to all of them. As mods and admins, we have limited resources to keep DW ticking over. We are all volunteers and do as much as possible in our spare time. In addition, we all have our niche interests and usually only reply to those threads that interest us or those that we can contribute to in a meaningful way. It is very important that new members read the 'Member Rules' before posting, as this will help to direct them to post valid questions and back up any query with work that they have completed so far.

Hi Ardav,

So it's up to rutu3 to rephrase if he (she?) wants to carry on.

If she comes back with more specific question will you consider to reply her? I mean are you a C# expert? Atleast I can say "this guy will try to help you if you take initiative with right question."

This thread is well and truly hijacked and totally off-piste :)

:D and ya totally hijacked, so posted it in community feedback, we will continue there, have a nice day :)

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