Hi every 1

i need to have some application of the priority queue

thanks :cool:

Priority queue can u just tell me more over this to help you.

thanks but i just need the applications of the priority queue

by the way i can't register in that forum

>i need to have some application of the priority queue
Homework? Read our rules, please. Not homework? Use your imagination. It's not terribly difficult to think of applications for a priority queue if you know what one is.

>thanks but i just need the applications of the priority queue
This alone discourages me from ever wanting to help you. I read your comment as: "Go away, fool. I'm not interested in sharing my hard earned knowledge. I'm only interested in taking hard earned knowledge from other people".

I recommend that you adjust your attitude, or consider your words more carefully. Otherwise you'll alienate everyone qualified to help you.

>This alone discourages me from ever wanting to help you. I read your comment as: "Go away, fool. I'm not interested in sharing my hard earned knowledge. I'm only interested in taking hard earned knowledge from other people".

thanks for the advice but i think that you did not read my replay that i saw the forum but i can't register i do not what was the problem and i have check that site and add it to my favorite because i really like it

and about my quistion about the priority queue i know some of it's application but i need more cuase i have a project about that queue

any way thanks i apreach that you spent your time to post that reply

>i think that you did not read my replay that i saw the forum but i can't register
I read that reply, and ignored it because it was completely incoherent. What forum? The only forum that is relevant, since you didn't name any others, is this one, and you're registered here.

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visit this site and you will know wich forum i mean

>visit this site and you will know wich forum i mean
There's no link there, *and* it's completely irrelevant to your technical question here.

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