Hello everyone,
I am sort of new in C programming and since I programmed mostly in C++, I may have some mix up on my program which is giving me some errors. I have written a small code , in modular fashion i.e. I have split the .h, definition.c , and main.c files.
The program currently has only one function and all that does is read from a text file. My problem is when I compile each file separately I get the error: 'Undefined reference to ReadFromfFile()" (Note: ReadFromFile is a function defined in definition.c and I get this error when I compile the main.c file)
And when I compile the definition.c file I get the error 'Undefined reference to main'.
And when I compile all my files together as such: gcc DeliveryServices.h DeliveryServices.c main.c -o Servrices: I get the error 'Segmentation fault(core dumped)'.

Please someone point me out what am I doing wrong and how can I fix it.

Thank you.
//Header File

#ifndef DeliveryServices_H
#define DeliveryServices_H

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

 struct DeliveryServices{
                        char* ItemType;
                        char* PickUpAdd;
                        char* DropOffAdd;
                      typedef struct DeliveryServices ServiceSlip;

//Definition File

#include "DeliveryServices.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char ReadFromFile()
        FILE *ReadFrom;
        char lineRead;

        ReadFrom = fopen("datafile.txt","r");
return 0;


#include "DeliveryServices.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
        FILE *ReadFile;
        char lineRead;

        ServiceSlip  PackageSlips;

        //PackageSlips.ItemType ="Package";

return 0; 

My problem is when I compile each file separately I get the error: 'Undefined reference to ReadFromfFile()" (Note: ReadFromFile is a function defined in definition.c and I get this error when I compile the main.c file)

Your compile is also linking, and definition.c was not specified.

And when I compile the definition.c file I get the error 'Undefined reference to main'.


In both cases, if you compile only it should work. But why bother. Linking is the magic.

And when I compile all my files together as such: gcc DeliveryServices.h DeliveryServices.c main.c -o Servrices: I get the error 'Segmentation fault(core dumped)'.

You don't specify the .h files when compiling. The compiler will find it because of the #include statement.

this is the link on howto do it

try to compile hello world program first maybe error is in your code ? cause char* ItemType; is pointer to memmory did you allocate some memmory for it ?

and you read to char lineRead; which is actually one byte long, you read there 120 bytes
it should be then char lineRead[120]

'Segmentation fault(core dumped)'. means memmory error

Have you included a prototype for ReadFromFile() in the header file for main.c? Something like:

char ReadFromFile(void);

Thank you every one for your suggestions. I looked into my program more carefully and rewrote some stuff and it has started to work but I have another (smaller) problem.

My issue is: I have a text file as such:

Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Address 4

My program reads the first para (i.e. till 0) but does not read any further. I tried a do while loop but that did not make any difference. How else should I approach this.

I have rewrote the definition.c (for readfile) file. Here is my code again:

//FunctionDefinition.h file

#include "DeliveryServices.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char ReadFromFile()
    FILE *ReadFrom;
    char *buffer;
    char *tokenizer;
    unsigned long  fileLength;

    ServiceSlip PackageSlips;

    ReadFrom = fopen("datafile","r");

        printf("Error opening file \n");

    fileLength = ftell(ReadFrom);
    buffer =  (char*)malloc(fileLength+1);
        printf("Errom allocating memory");

    //printf("%s \n",buffer);

    tokenizer = strtok(buffer,"\n");

    tokenizer = strtok(NULL,"\n");

    tokenizer = strtok(NULL,"\n");

    tokenizer = strtok(NULL, "\n");

    printf("%s \n",PackageSlips.PickUpAdd);
    printf("%s \n", PackageSlips.DropOffAdd);
    printf("%s \n",PackageSlips.ItemType);
    printf("%s \n",PackageSlips.PriorAssign);


return 0;

//main file
#include "DeliveryServices.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    FILE *ReadFile;
    char lineRead;

    ServiceSlip  PackageSlips;


return 0; 

Thanks for all your help guys.

have you tryed this ? http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strtok/

while (tokenizer != NULL)
tokenizer = strtok(buffer,"\n");
//check if it is not NULL then strcpy else break;
tokenizer = strtok(NULL,"\n");
tokenizer = strtok(NULL,"\n");
tokenizer = strtok(NULL, "\n");

Why are you doing all that crap with tokens, fseeks, and stuff?

What's wrong with:

open file
while not EOF
   read addressA
   read addressB
   read package
   read number
   process data read
finish the program

Quoted Text Here

Why are you doing all that crap with tokens, fseeks, and stuff?

What's wrong with:....

Because this is how my text file looks:
1013 Richmond Ave ("this is Address1")
2034 Downtown Ave ("this is Address2")

When I use tokenizer, it does all the work for me. In other words, with tokenizer "Address 1" gets stored in variable Address 1, "Address 2" gets stored in variable Address 2 and so on.
But with the method you showed me. this is the output I will get:
In other words every word gets stored separately.

Then you are using the wrong 'read' command. Don't read a word at a time, read a line. Try getline()

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