i have 6 collumn in a listview , how do i multiply each data by row in collumn 4 and 5 and display the result in collumn 6.??

Inline Code Example Here

    Dim itm As ListViewItem
    str(0) = txttarikh.Text
    str(1) = txtresit.Text
    str(2) = Txtkod.Text
    str(3) = Txtnama.Text
    str(4) = Txtharga.Text
    str(5) = txtkuantiti.Text
    str(6) = 
    itm = New ListViewItem(str)

A ListView (in details view) consists of a collection of items (or rows) where each item contains subitems (or columns). In the following example I have defined ListView1 as containing 6 columns. If I add some sample data as follows

For row As Integer = 1 To 6
    Dim newitem As New ListViewItem(CStr(row))
    For col As Integer = 1 To 5
        newitem.SubItems.Add(CStr(row * col))

The next code block multiplies column 4 by column 5 and places the result in column 6 (because subitems are zero relative the calculation is actually col5 = col3 * col4)

For Each row As ListViewItem In ListView1.Items
    Dim arg1 As Integer = CInt(row.SubItems(3).Text)
    Dim arg2 As Integer = CInt(row.SubItems(4).Text)
    row.SubItems(5).Text = CStr(arg1 * arg2)

However, you may not already have data in the last column. In the following code I am only going to add data in the first 5 columns. In that case, the calculation will have to add a new subitem to store the results.

For row As Integer = 1 To 6    
    Dim newitem As New ListViewItem(CStr(row))
    For col As Integer = 1 To 4
        newitem.SubItems.Add(CStr(row * col))

For Each row As ListViewItem In ListView1.Items
    Dim arg1 As Integer = CInt(row.SubItems(3).Text)
    Dim arg2 As Integer = CInt(row.SubItems(4).Text)
    row.SubItems.Add(CStr(arg1 * arg2))

I hope this is what you are looking for.

thank u very much sir

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