Hi all,

I need some help in how to achieve this functionality....the problem is ...

I have some data in my database.On clicking 'generate invoice' , It should gather the data from the sql server and publish it to a document which the user can send it to a company.Basically the word document should have fields where the data is to be populated.how do i do this .

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Do provide evidence of having done some work yourself if posting questions from school or work assignments

And be particular about which part you are having trouble with. Is it the data extraction or the document printing that you need help with? The better you define your problem (and tell us what you have already done) the more likely we are to help.

I recommend a free component I ever used to proceed like this: spire.dataexport. The links is the program guide for sql data table to word

Hi Try this...

Hope it will help you

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