#   Learning to make a game     #

# An attempt to make a game
# Each room will be described by a class, whose base class will be Room
# The user will be prompted to enter a number, each number will be assigned with a Room in return

from sys import exit

print '-' * 50

print "You are a lone traveller on this earth"
print "who is just roaming and roaming."
print "finally you encounter 5 doors."
print "Each door has some stuff in store for you except one,"
print "which has death in store for you."
print "So choose your doors with cool mind."

print '-' * 50

print "Enter your choice:",
room_chosen = int(raw_input("[keypad]>"))

def dead(why):
    print "why, Good Job!"

#class Room(object):  #the other room will be derived of this
#   pass

class Room(object):

class GoldRoom(Room):

    def gold_room(self):

    # here the user will be asked with question on how much Gold he wants   
        print"This room is full of gold. How much do you take!" 
        next = raw_input("[keypad]>")
        print next

        if next.isdigit():
            how_much = int(next)

            dead("Man, learn to type some number")

        if how_much < 50:
            print "Nice, you are not greedy, you win!"
            dead("You greedy bastard!")

class KoiPondRoom(Room):

    # in this room, the user will be made to relax
        def koi_pond_room(self):
            print "You have entered a room where you can relaz!"
            next = raw_input("> ")

            if next == "Sleeping":
                print "SLEEP WELL!"
            elif next == "Television Watching":
                print "WOHOO! WATCH AMAZING SPIDERMAN!"
            elif next == "EATING":
                print "COOL! NPOW HOG!"
                print "GO TO HELL!"

class Cthulhu_Room(Room):

    # sort of puzzle to get out
        def cthulhu_room(self):
            print "Here's how see the great evil Cthulhu"
            print "He,it, whatever stares at you and you go insane."
            print "Do you flee for your life or eat your head?" 
            next = raw_input("> ")

            if "flee" in next:
                goldroom = GoldRoom()
            elif "head" in next:
                dead("Well, that was tasty!")
                cthulhu_room = Cthulhu_Room()

class Bear_Room(Room):

    # bear room
        def bear_room(self):
            print "There's a bear here"
            print "The bear has a bunch of honey."
            print "The fat bear is in front of another door."
            print "How are you going to move the bear."
            bear_moved = False

            while True:
                next = raw_input("> ")

                if next == "take honey":
                    dead("The bear looks at you and then slaps your face off.")
                elif next == "taunt bear" and not bear_moved:
                    print "The bear has moved from the door. You can go through it now."
                    bear_moved = True
                elif next == "taunt bear" and bear_moved:
                    dead("The bear gets pissed off and chews your leg.")
                elif next == "open door" and bear_moved:
                    goldroom = GoldRoom()
                    print "I got no idea what it means."

class Dark_Room(Room):

    def dark_room(self):
        print "You have entered a dark room."
        print "If you want to escape, then guess the correct password!"
        print "But you have only three chances,"
        print "failing which you will be locked here forever."

        password = str ("OPEN SEASAME")

        guess = raw_input("Enter password:>")
        guesses = 0
        while guess != password and guesses < 2:
                print "Try again!"
                guesses += 1
                guess = raw_input("Enter password:>")

        if guess == password:
            print "You have made it!"
            print "NOW SUFFER"      

class Dead_Room(Room):

        def dead_room(self):
            print "You MORON!"
            print "why did you chose this?"
            print "you are DEAD now"

if room_chosen == 1:
    goldroom = GoldRoom()

elif room_chosen == 2:
    koipondroom = KoiPondRoom()

elif room_chosen == 3:
    cthulhu_room = Cthulhu_Room()

elif room_chosen == 4:
    bear_room = Bear_Room()

elif room_chosen == 5:
    dark_room = Dark_Room()

elif room_chosen == 6:
    dead_room = Dead_Room()

    print "YOU SUCK!"

I have written this code. I would like to make a runnable script for the same.

I run the code without problem, but it did crash when given empty string as response.

"I run the code without problem, but it did crash when given empty string as response."

oh no, by runnable i meant

a python script will be used to run the classes

i mean, a python runner

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