hey guys,

i was looking into rewriting the php custom framework at work into java.
i was going to download the J2EE but there is 2 versions.

J2EE SDK (regular) and J2EE Web Profile SDK

i've look at the descriptions and the includes and it look the same.
whats the real difference between them, if theres any ?

and does Glass Fish server included in the pack replace TomCat ?



The actual differences can be found here. And yes, Glassfish as an application container provides many more features when compared to a servlet container like Tomcat.

Also, depending on the complexity of your application to be ported, you should look into other lightweight alternatives like the Spring stack in case you are looking for migrating an enterprise or simple web app.


and super thx for the framework
i was reading to see if it respect MVC structure and he is.

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can i private msg you for carreer tips

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