This is a simple password implementation.

void getPassword()
     int i = 0, flag = 0 ;
     char c ;

     char password[100] ;

     cout<<"\n Enter Password : " ;

        c = getch() ;

        if(c! = 13 && c! = 8)
         cout<<"*" ;

         Password[i] = c ;

         i++ ;

        else if(c == 8 && i)
           Password[--i] = '\0' ;

           cout<<"\b \b" ;

        if(c == 13)
         Password[i] = '\0' ;

         break ;



Here I'm using getch() method and conio.h for accepting a key board hit without echo-ing it.
My question is, what is its replacement in other compilers, especially in Linux OS ?

I saw ncurses library but couldn't find any method that works like getch().

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