(for anyone that wants to view exactly whats needed for turn in)

Hello! I'm trying to write a c++ program that takes in the lower and upper limits of a bunch of numbers and output the length of the longest hailstone sequence. Posted below is what I have so far, but I always get the last number in the sequence for the longest length. I don't know how to make the transition to show the longest hailstone sequnce like it should be. Any help is appreciated!

//Justin Chestnutt
//CSCI 3300
//Program 1
//Program reads in user input for upper and lower limits to print out hailstone sequence for numbers in the limit range and determine the longest sequence.
#include <iostream>      
using namespace std;            

//Hailstone sequence takes any number as an input and divides it by 2 if the number is even otherwise multiply by 3 and add 1 if the number is odd.
//The idea is that no matter what the user inputs you will eventually come to the answer of 1 at the end of the sequence.       

//Hailstone function takes the input of the current number then calculates the next number in the hailstone sequence 
int Hailstone(int n)
    if(n % 2 == 0)
        n /= 2;     //number is even 
        n = 3 * n + 1;  //number is odd
    return n;       //returns the value 

//Calculates length of the hailstone sequence
int lengthHail(int num)
    int count = 1;
    while(num != 1)
        num = Hailstone(num);
        count++;        //adds one to count everytime a calculation is done 
    return count;

//Ask for user input and reads in two integers that represent the lower limit and upper limit. 
int main()
    int lower, upper;
    int count = 0;  
    cout << "Enter Lower Limit.\t";the
    cin >> lower;
    cout << "Enter Upper Limit.\t";
    cin >> upper;
    for(int i = lower;i <= upper; i++)
        lower = i;
        while(lower != 1)
            cout << " " << Hailstone(lower) << " " << endl;
            lower = Hailstone(lower);
        cout << "\nLength of longest sequence is " << lengthHail(upper) << ".\n" << endl;
    return 0;

Print the program out
Grab another piece of paper and a pencil
Sit at your desk and go through the program line by line
Write down the variable names and what gets loaded into them
Follow the code until you see something that doesn't look right and figure out why.

Check line 42.
In line 55, why are you calling lengthHail() method ? You are yourself counting the number of numbers printed in line 53. Print that instead of lengthHail(). It will print 1 less than the required number , thats because it doesn't counts the initial number. So add 1 while printing count.

cout << "\nLength of longest sequence is " << count + 1 << ".\n" << endl;

Angles are often measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds. There are 360 degrees in a circle, 60 minutes in one degree, and 60 seconds in one minute. Write a program that reads two angular measurements given in degrees, minutes, and seconds, and then calculates and prints their sum. Constants are required for this program.

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