hey guys i need help for adding values of two or more fiels using ms access, adodc, and datagrid in vb6.0 . example of these is book quantity field with book title field with different titles. i need help ASAP for my library system project. help me please. help for codes.

This sounds like someone needing to get a project completed, expecting us to do it. ;)

Unfortunately you need to show some effort from your side - any errors in your code etc.. we will gladly help from there.

AndreRet thanks for the reply, and for advice , im now finished my project and solve it using others thread, sorry for my bad english im a filipino and knows english a little. :)

That is no problem Ralph, we can still understand. If not, we'll ask. :) Thank you for showing effort. If you have any questions, please open a new thread and I will gladly help.

Please mark this as solved, thanx.

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