hi please help me in this queation
Q)write programe to open any file in your computer but with password to opean this file?
pleassse i want the answer after one week because the last date after one week.

Hi, We can only help when you have already tried to do something. There are a lot of books on this subject, and online material as well. In case you have problems with that, we can help. No spoonfeeding here ;)

You need to learn file handling in C/C++. There are many books for this purpose. You may try this.

For password protection ask user for password then compare it for authorization. If true go on to file handling part. Else try again.

pleassse i want the answer after one week because the last date after one week.

I'll be glad to do your homework for you. Just deposit $1,000.00 USD into my PayPal account for each program you want written. No guarentees of course.

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