I have started writing a really basic tile engine in C++ and I'm not entirely sure when to use const return values. Should I use them in cases like this

class A
        Rectangle hitBox;

        const bool Collision(const Rectangle& hitBox2);

or is it totally pointless?

The const return value in that example is pointless and does nothing. The time to use const return value is when the method is returning a reference or pointer to one of it's data items, assuming you don't want the calling function to change the value.

class foo()
   const int& foo(int index)
      return items[index];
   vector<int> items;

Put const after the function name is a different matter, it means the function changes nothing. For example, the following is an error.

class foo
    foo() {}

    bool bar() const
        x = 1;  // <<<<< Error because function is const
        return true;
    int x;

If you are returning by value on built in type, don't return it constant. It might confuse the user, but its arguable. See here

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