How to find this series without using power function in c
please help me out i'm unable to solve these type of questions

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Try something like that:

// power series dev using a loop
// value of e = 2.71828182846 

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int n, f;
    float x;
    float e;

    x = 1.0;
    f = 1;
    e = 0.0;
    //e = 1+x/1!+x2/2!+x3/3!+x4/4! ...
    //e = 1 + x * x*2.0/2 + x*3.0/(2*3) + x*4.0/(2*3*4) ...
    for ( n = 1; n < 11; n++ ) {
        f *= n;  // factorial, don't exceed 12!
        e += x*n/f;
        printf( "%f  %d  %d\n", e, n, f);

    getchar(); // wait
    return 0;
commented: Giving away answers is not being helpful -3

Used the code to test my reinstalled CodeBlock IDE. Works now.

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