Hello can i ask,.because i am a student of java programmer i want to asking how to fast learner of the program,.please help me i want to be a proffesional programmer,.thanks,..

If you want to learn java like a pro you have to have the ability to write java. Start by reading books and try out their demos and see if you can do it in different ways. That is a good way to start. We can force the knowledge into your head, so you have to be able to learn.

BTW, your question gets asked a lot, so you should have searched the question using the Daniweb search

Learn most of the language itself? months
Learn a good subset of the Java SE API? a couple of years
Learn to design & implement really good code? many years

I wonder, was the post above a Jedi mind-trick or am I too optimistic.

I wonder, was the post above a Jedi mind-trick or am I too optimistic.

A little over-stated maybe, but basically I was being perfectly serious. Java language is no big deal, but the Java API is vast, and good design is an art that has to be practiced.

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