can anyone help how to save using this code below.?
i used adodc recordset

with adodc1
    .ConnectionString = connectdb
    .RecordSource = "Select * from 'tablename'"

    'dont know the next action

    end with
    'what does this code mean?

Do the following...

with adodc1
    .ConnectionString = connectdb
    .RecordSource = "Select * from 'tablename'"
    'dont know the next action
    ''If your textboxes is connected to the respective fields, data will be captured automatically...
    end with
    'what does this code mean?

I would rather suggest you learn how to make use of adodb which gives you MUCH more control over your database manipulation.


with adodc1

   .ConnectionString = connectdb
    .RecordSource = "Select * from 'tablename'"


        .Recordset.Fields("Tablecolumn name") = txtYourtextbox.Text

 'any entry on that specific textbox would be save to that specific column on your table
 'make sure your textbox control is connected to your adodc

    end with
commented: Plain and simple. Nice! +13

thanks a lot guys.

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