I am having problems with pointers and i am getting two errors saying "invalid argument type of 'unary *'"

float getProfit(float* bushels, float price)
    int i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < 20; i++);
        *bushels[i] = *(bushels[i]*price);

    return 0;

any ideas on a solution? i have never even seen this error before.

*bushels[i] = *(bushels[i]*price);

The indexing operator already dereferences the pointer, what you're trying to do is dereference a float value, which clearly won't work. Try this instead:

bushels[i] = bushels[i] * price;

Or using the compound operator:

bushels[i] *= price;

ok, now i get a segmentation error just before i call the function. this is my whole code
i am compiling using an ubuntu server


float getProfit(float* bushels[], double price);
float getCosts(float* acres[], float totalAcres, float cost);

int main()
    float acres [20];
    float bushels [20];
    float cost;
    double pricePerBushel;
    float totalAcres = 0;
    char choice;
    int count = 0;

    for(count = 0; count < 20; count++)
        acres[count] = 0;
        bushels[count] = 0;

    count = 0;

    printf("\nwould you like to add anouther field:");
    scanf("%c", &choice);

    while(choice != 'n')
        printf("\nEnter the number of acres:");
        scanf("%f", &acres[count]);
        totalAcres += acres[count];

        printf("\nEnter the number of bushels:");
        scanf("%f", &bushels[count]);

        printf("\nwould you like to add anouther field:");
        scanf("%c", &choice);

        if(count == 19)
            printf("\nyou cannot add any more fields");
            choice = 'n';
    }   // end of loop

    printf("\nenter total bills:");
    cost = getCosts(acres, totalAcres, cost );

    printf("\nenter the price per bushel:");
    scanf("%d", &pricePerBushel);
    getProfit(bushels, pricePerBushel);

    int i = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
        bushels[i] = bushels[i]-(acres[i]*cost);
        printf("the profit for the field #%d is %f \n", i,bushels[i]);

    return 0;

float getCosts(float* acres[], float totalAcres, float cost)
    int i = 0;

    cost= cost/totalAcres;

    return cost;

float getProfit(float* bushels[], double price)
    float temp = 0;
    int i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < 20; i++);
            temp = *bushels[i];
            temp = temp * price;
            *bushels[i] = temp;

    return 0;

my segmentation error is at line 57, when i am just calling the getProfit() function.
i enter the price and it breaks.

priceperbushel is a double, not an int. Actually, I'd recommend using double everywhere you use float too. You also have a rogue semicolon in getProfit() that's breaking the loop.

Consider this:


double getProfit(double bushels[], double price);
double getCosts(double acres[], double totalAcres, double cost);

int main()
    double acres [20];
    double bushels [20];
    double cost;
    double pricePerBushel;
    double totalAcres = 0;
    char choice;
    int count = 0;

    for(count = 0; count < 20; count++)
        acres[count] = 0;
        bushels[count] = 0;

    count = 0;

    printf("\nwould you like to add anouther field:");
    scanf("%c", &choice);

    while(choice != 'n')
        printf("\nEnter the number of acres:");
        scanf("%lf", &acres[count]);
        totalAcres += acres[count];

        printf("\nEnter the number of bushels:");
        scanf("%lf", &bushels[count]);

        printf("\nwould you like to add anouther field:");
        scanf("%c", &choice);

        if(count == 19)
            printf("\nyou cannot add any more fields");
            choice = 'n';
    }   // end of loop

    printf("\nenter total bills:");
    cost = getCosts(acres, totalAcres, cost );

    printf("\nenter the price per bushel:");
    scanf("%lf", &pricePerBushel);
    getProfit(bushels, pricePerBushel);

    int i = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
        bushels[i] = bushels[i]-(acres[i]*cost);
        printf("the profit for the field #%d is %f \n", i,bushels[i]);

    return 0;

double getCosts(double acres[], double totalAcres, double cost)
    int i = 0;

    cost= cost/totalAcres;

    return cost;

double getProfit(double bushels[], double price)
    double temp = 0;
    int i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        temp = bushels[i];
        temp = temp * price;
        bushels[i] = temp;

    return 0;

You also have a rogue semicolon in getProfit() that's breaking the loop.

thank you for finding it. i guess ubuntu does not like finding rogue semicolons in the code for you.


thank you

i guess ubuntu does not like finding rogue semicolons in the code for you.

This is a perfectly legal loop:

for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)

The compiler shouldn't diagnose it as an error, but can (and likely will) optimize it into this:

i = 20;

By the way, Ubuntu is an operating system, not a compiler. You probably mean GCC.

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