please do help me with this programming problem as i found it difficult.

develop a c++ program to accept the number of km to travel.calculate the hours need to travel the distance. assume to travel 70km takes 1 hour. if the required hour is higher than 2 hours then for every additional 2 hours, 15 minutes rest time should be added.

so, my lecture gave us a distance of 700km travel.
after i calculate, the total distance travel need 11 hours. 10 hours travel and 1 hours rest.b somehow i dont know how to do it in programming.

Use "cin" to get input from keyboard
Use "cout" to display result on screen

The code between is just math really.

You have a tutor, and people here will help you with your homework but not do it for you.
The amount and level of help you receive here is usually directly proportional to the effort you put in yourself.

Have a go, after all you wanted to learn it.

commented: Nice reply! +14

thinking in c++

do you by any chance have any of your own code so we can build off of it?

so we can build off of it?

We usually don't build off of user code, but we do try to offer solution to existing problems regarding a given code.

To complete <Michael>'s statement, I shall give you the exact rule from our Member rules (which you sign on upon registration): Do provide evidence of having done some work yourself if posting questions from school or work assignments.

We usually don't build off of user code, but we do try to offer solution to existing problems regarding a given code.

By build off of it i meant that the could be a place where we can start them off of. So we can help them from what they have done.

Also notice that the OP could be one of those users that post just once and never come back.

Also notice that the OP could be one of those users that post just once and never come back.

That too. Also, I knew what you meant, I but I guess that is kinda misleading for someone who's a beginner. I just wanted to make sure the OP knows that it has to work a little to get somewhere. :)

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