Hi Everyone,

I am trying to get the program below to work correctly.

The line below is where I'm having trouble. (line 33 in PrefixCalc.java)

calc = new ExpressionTree(new Scanner(console.nextLine()));

When I run the program and enter "4 + 8", the scanner only picks up "4". Apparently this program was developed using the Scanner from Java 5. How do I get the entire line into a Scanner object?

I found this program online at http://penguin.ewu.edu/cscd300/Topic/ExpressionTree/ExpressionTree.pdf. This is not my program. I am just learning from it.

 * Prefix calculator: generate the expression tree, then display it 
 * in the various supported means and finally show the result of the 
 * calculation. 
 * NOTE: Specific to Java version 5.0 --- Scanner 
 * @author Timothy Rolfe 
import java.util.Scanner;

public class PrefixCalc 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        ExpressionTree calc;

        Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);

        // Allow for a command-line argument (which would be double-quoted).
        if (args.length > 0) 
            System.out.println("Processing string " + args[0]);

            calc = new ExpressionTree(new Scanner(args[0]));
                ("Prefix expression, with all elements separated by blanks");

            calc = new ExpressionTree(new Scanner(console.nextLine()));

        System.out.println("\nInput as prefix expression:");

        System.out.println("\nInput as postfix expression:");

        System.out.println("\nInput as parenthesized infix expression:");

        System.out.println("\nValue: " + calc.evaluate());

 * Expression Tree of TreeNode objects, built from a prefix expression. 
 * NOTE: Specific to Java version 5.0 --- Scanner 
 * The nodes are built by the recursive method "build", which calls 
 * itself for internal nodes; e.g.: node.setRight ( build ( input ) ); 
 * Beyond construction, this supports display as prefix expression, 
 * postfix expression, and as parenthesized infix expression, as well 
 * as evaluation of the expression, returning the value; 
 * @author Timothy Rolfe 
import java.util.Scanner; // Specific to Java 1.5.x 

public class ExpressionTree {
     * One node in an expression tree, allowing double values.
     * @author Timothy Rolfe
    private static class TreeNode 
        private final boolean leaf;     // ?Is this a leaf? else internal
        private final char op;          // For an internal node, the operator
        private double value;           // For a leaf, the value
        private TreeNode left,          // Left subexpression (internal node)
                        right;          // Right subexpression

        // Bare-bones constructor
        private TreeNode(boolean leaf, char op, double value) 
            this.leaf = leaf;
            this.op = op;
            this.value = value;
            this.left = null;   // Empty to start
            this.right = null;

        // For leaf nodes, show the value; for internal, the operator.
        public String toString()    // Overrides Object.toString, must be public.
            return leaf ? Double.toString(value) : Character.toString(op);

    TreeNode root = null;

    public ExpressionTree(Scanner input) 
        root = build(input);

     * Based on a white-space delimited prefix expression, build the
     * corresponding binary expression tree.
     * @param input
     *            The scanner with the expression
     * @return reference to the corresponding binary expression tree
    private TreeNode build(Scanner input) 
        boolean leaf;
        String token;
        double value;
        TreeNode node;

        leaf = input.hasNextDouble();
        if (leaf) 
            value = input.nextDouble();
            node = new TreeNode(leaf, '\0', value);
            token = input.next();
            node = new TreeNode(leaf, token.charAt(0), 0.0);
            node.left = build(input);
            node.right = build(input);

        return node;

     * Show the expression tree as a postfix expression. All the work is done in
     * the private recursive method.
    public void showPostFix() 

    // Postfix expression is the result of a post-order traversal
    private void showPostFix(TreeNode node) 
        if (node != null) 
            System.out.print(node + " ");

     * Show the expression tree as a prefix expression. All the work is done in
     * the private recursive method.
    public void showPreFix() 

    // Prefix expression is the result of a pre-order traversal
    private void showPreFix ( TreeNode node ) 
    { // NOTE: removing tail recursion 
        while ( node != null ) 
            System.out.print ( node + " " ); 
            showPreFix ( node.left ); 
            node = node.right; // Update parameter for right traversal 

     * Show the expression tree as a parenthesized infix expression. All the
     * work is done in the private recursive method.
    public void showInFix() 

    // Parenthesized infix requires parentheses in both the
    // pre-order and post-order positions, plus the node
    // itself in the in-order position.
    private void showInFix(TreeNode node) 
        if (node != null) 
            // Note: do NOT parenthesize leaf nodes
            if (!node.leaf)
                System.out.print("( ");         // Pre-order position
                System.out.print(node + " ");   // In-order position
            if (!node.leaf)                     // Post-order position
                System.out.print(") ");

     * Evaluate the expression and return its value. All the work is done in the
     * private recursive method.
     * @return the value of the expression tree.
    public double evaluate() 
        return root == null ? 0.0 : evaluate(root);

    // Evaluate the expression: for internal nodes, this amounts
    // to a post-order traversal, in which the processing is doing
    // the actual arithmetic. For leaf nodes, it is simply the
    // value of the node.
    private double evaluate(TreeNode node) 
        double result; // Value to be returned

        if (node.leaf) // Just get the value of the leaf
            result = node.value;
            // We've got work to do, evaluating the expression
            double left, right;
            char operator = node.op;

            // Capture the values of the left and right subexpressions
            left = evaluate(node.left);
            right = evaluate(node.right);

            // Do the arithmetic, based on the operator
            switch (operator) 
                case '-':
                    result = left - right;
                case '*':
                    result = left * right;
                case '/':
                    result = left / right;
                case '^':
                    result = Math.pow(left, right);
                // NOTE: allow fall-through from default to case '+'
                    System.out.println("Unrecognized operator " + operator
                            + " treated as +.");
                case '+':
                    result = left + right;

        // Return either the leaf's value or the one we just calculated.
        return result;

At a glance, ExpressionTree doesn't appear to respect whitespace. Try using "4+8" instead of "4 + 8".

I've tried "4+8". It throws an unhandled exception.

I've tested the Scanner object (using "4 + 8") before it's passed to ExpressionTree. It only contains "4", so I'm pretty sure the problem is in how the Scanner is working.

deceptikon, you are right. I have the Scanner working now, but it does not consider the white space.

Do you think TreeNode::build creates all the nodes and builds the entire tree? I was under the impression this method only built individual nodes.

Apparently reading the comments is helpful...who knew? ;) build() does indeed build the entire tree, but it expects an expression in prefix format rather than infix format. Presumably you've already figured that out since you said you got it working.

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