i want quantity * weight (both column's total) in the textbox in crystal report.
the data should retrive from sql database and should display in crystal reports.

Welcome on this site! This little snipet might help you out.

If the datagridview is backed by a datatable filled from something (a database query), then something like this would work.

// make a datatable to simulate a table filled from a database
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow r ;

dt.Columns.Add("item", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("quantity", typeof(decimal));
dt.Columns.Add("weight", typeof(decimal));

r = dt.NewRow(); r[0] = "apples"; r[1] = 10; r[2] = 0.5; dt.Rows.Add(r);
r = dt.NewRow(); r[0] = "oranges"; r[1] = 20; r[2] = 0.6; dt.Rows.Add(r);
r = dt.NewRow(); r[0] = "bananas"; r[1] = 100; r[2] = 0.25; dt.Rows.Add(r);

// assume that dt was filled from a database with the 3 columns defined above
// you could add a total weight for item column
DataColumn twi = dt.Columns.Add("Tot_Weight", typeof(decimal));
// add an expression to the column to automatically do the multiplication
twi.Expression = "[quantity] * [weight]";

dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;

// if you do not want this column displayed then set it's visible property to false
dataGridView1.Columns["Tot_Weight"].Visible = true;

// add some formatting to the column
dataGridView1.Columns["Tot_Weight"].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "N3"; // 3 places after decimal mark
dataGridView1.Columns["Tot_Weight"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;

// now to get a total of the total weight column

decimal totweight = (from r2 in dt.AsEnumerable() 
                     select (decimal) r2["Tot_Weight"]

textBox1.Text = totweight.ToString();

// or without adding the total weight column
// and just do the calculation

decimal totweight2 = (from r2 in dt.AsEnumerable() 
                      select (decimal) r2["quantity"] * (decimal) r2["weight"]

but if i want total of the column in footer , i dont want another column for total.

like this



can we do it in crystal reports

gold | total (quantity * weight)in grams
sunil | 25
manoj | 10
nilesh | 10

please help me i am not getting the solution

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