Hi I just started playing around with Visual Basics today and thought it would be cool if I could make a program to work out the weight and the price of a square peice of steel. I have tried to solve the problem and fixed many errors but now I'm stuck. The program give's me a total 0f zero all the time I need help.
This is the formula for the weight os the steel. Length x Width x thickness x 8.3 (rounded off Its not critical for this purpose) devided by 1000000 to get rid of the zero's. So a square plate 300mm x 300mm x 12mm x 8.3 / 100000 (this is just to get rid of all the zero's) =8.964 KG. This is the first total to get and for the program to show. The next is to multiply 8.964 x 12 (the price per Kg in My currency Rand) then the total cost sould be R107.568 for the peice of steel.

This is what ive done

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, product As Single, weight As Single
    num1 = TextBox1.Text
    num2 = TextBox2.Text
    num3 = TextBox3.Text
    num4 = TextBox4.Text
    num5 = Val(8.3)
    num6 = Val(1000000)
    TextBox5.Text = product
    TextBox6.Text = weight
    weight = num1 * num2 * num3 * num5
    product = weight * num4 / num6

End Sub

Like I said I'm new to this don't enven know if this is the right way to do this.
Any help would be appreciated.

You are so close! The problem is that on lines 9 and 10, you don't have a value calculated for variables "product" and "weight". Move those two lines down below lines 11 and 12 and it should work fine.

Hope this helps! Happy coding!

Thank you But I did manage o get it right.
This is what I did. I think it is what you said I sould do.
But thank you any way for your time and for helping me.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, product As Single, weight As Single, quantity As Single, total As Single
    num1 = TextBox1.Text
    num2 = Textbox2.Text
    num3 = TextBox3.Text
    num4 = TextBox4.Text
    num5 = Val(8.3)
    num6 = Val(1000000)
    num7 = TextBox7.Text
    weight = num1 * num2 * num3 * num5 / num6
    product = weight * num4
    quantity = product * num7
    total = quantity * product
    TextBox8.Text = quantity
    TextBox5.Text = product
    TextBox6.Text = weight

End Sub

BTW is there a way that I can ad an R infront of the amount and KG behind the weight.

Yes...you can use the CStr function on your numeric variables, then just contatenate with a string literal like so:

TextBox6.Text = CStr(weight) + " kg"

I think you can figure out how to prefix the "R" using this same sort of technique. Best of luck!

Thank you, you are very helpful.

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