if f(x,y) be a function (x^3 * y^-4) + (x^-2 *y^3) with 2<x<10 and 1.1<y<3.5.f(0,0) = f(9,1.2). how do you develop a c program of loop(x decremented by 1 unit) with in which another loop (y incremented by 0.8(K) initially and then as the y reaches a value where incrementation by 0.8 makes y>3.4 make 0.8 to 0.8/2 and follow this till K>0.002) and the values generated are continuous.i.e the output is in the form

iteration       x      y         f(x,y)evaluated.
          0     9      1.2
          1     9       2.0
          2     9       2.8       (note here 2.8 + 0.8 > 3.4 so K = 0.8/2)
          3     9       3.2        (note 3.2+0.4 > 3.4 so  K = 0.4/2)
          4     9       3.4
          n     8      1.2
          n+j   8      3.4
          n+m   3     1.2
     the f is to be analysed and the min of the calculated values is to be given as output.
      can anyone please help me with the code for this..
      i have developed a code but its getting struck....
Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer

Please show us what you have so far as code is concerned. Where are you getting stuck?

hey...i am posting the code for which i was actually facing the problem..
here the f(x,y) is the function bhpeqns()...x is fill_s[] and y is fill_h with ranges 12<=x<=19 and 0.6096<=y<=1.8288
please help me with the following code...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define to 273.15
#define t9 273.16
#define spvolro 8.31432
#define xvmin 300
#define xvmax 750
#define ypmin 0
#define ypmax 1
#define pd_fill_n 0.8713
#define pd_fill_a (1.355 * pow(10,-4))
#define pd_fill_b (-3.718 * pow(10,-5))
#define pd_fill_m 0.3485
#define pd_fill_c 0.00589
#define pd_fill_o 0.874
#define pd_fill_d 0.119
#define pd_fill_p 0.893
#define pd_fill_q 0.461

float sat_vap(float twbi);
float sp_hum(float svp,float tdbi,float twbi);
float sat_vape(float twbo);
float sp_enthalpy(float tdbi,float sphum);
float sp_vole(float tdbi,float twbi,float svp);
float row(float sphum,float spvol);

float bhpeqns(float fh,float fs);
void kkt_optimize();

float thw=43.5,tcw=33.0f,twbi=28.82,tdbi=33.0f,app,r,fand=9.144,fann=0.865;
float aia,aih=5.5,edisa,edisa_f,cell=16.63,celw=16.63,cela,twbo,tdbo,gpm=24000,gpmpc,wl,spe_in,wl_f;
int ais = 3,celn = 7;
float kavlc[] = { 0.04503, 0.5467, 0.2516,0.637,0.429};// c,p,q,r,s
float svpp[] = { -2948.997118,  -2.1836674, -0.000150474, -0.0303738468,0.00042873,  4.76955, 25.83220018,24.72528008};
float sphup[] = {18.01534, 28.9645,  101325.0f,  0.000666,52.2542}; //m1,m2,po,c
float spep[] = {  1.00568, 1.84598, 2500.84};       //c2,c3,lo
float  spec2 = 1.00568, spec3 = 1.84598, spelo = 2500.84;float row_fill_f;

float fh,fs;

 int main()


    return 0;
  //  getch();
 //   return 0;


float sat_vap(float twbi)
    float too,sat[7],fsvp;

    too = twbi + to;

    sat[0] = svpp[0]/too;
    sat[1] = svpp[1] * log(too);
    sat[2] = abs(svpp[3] * (twbi-0.01));
    sat[3] = svpp[2] * (pow(0.1,sat[2]));//
    sat[4] = svpp[5] * (1-(t9/too));
    sat[5] = svpp[4] * (pow(10,sat[4]));//
    sat[6] = sat[0] + sat[1] +sat[3] + sat[5] + svpp[6] ;
    sat[7] = pow(10,sat[6]);                //sat vap pressure calculated
    fsvp = sat[7];

return (fsvp);

float sp_hum(float svp,float tdbi,float twbi)

float hum[5],fsphum;

 hum[0] = sphup[0]/sphup[1];//
 hum[1] = sphup[2] * sphup[3] * (tdbi-twbi);
 hum[2] = svp - hum[1];
 hum[3] = (hum[0] * hum[2])/(sphup[2] - hum[2]); // sp humidity is calculated
 fsphum = hum[3];
 fsphum = fabs(fsphum);

return (fsphum);

float sat_vape(float twbo)
    float too,sat[7],fsvpe;

    too = twbo + to;

    sat[0] = svpp[0]/too;
    sat[1] = svpp[1] * log(too);
    sat[2] = fabs(svpp[3] * (twbi-0.01));
    sat[3] = svpp[2] * (pow(0.1,sat[2]));//
    sat[4] = svpp[5] * (1-(t9/too));
    sat[5] = svpp[4] * (pow(10,sat[4]));//
    sat[6] = sat[0] + sat[1] +sat[3] + sat[5] + svpp[7]  ;
    sat[7] = pow(10,sat[6]);                //sat vap pressure calculated
    fsvpe = sat[7];

return (fsvpe);

float sp_enthalpy(float tdbi,float sphum)
    float spe[5],fspe;
    spe[0] = spep[0] * tdbi ;
    spe[1] = (spep[1] * tdbi) + spep[2];
    spe[3] = sphum * spe[1] ;
    spe[4] = spe[0] + spe[3];
    fspe = spe[4];
    fspe = fabs(fspe);

float sp_vole(float tdbi,float twbi,float svp)
    float vol[5],fspvol;
    vol[0] = spvolro * (tdbi + to);
    vol[1] = sphup[2] * sphup[3] * (tdbi - twbi);
    vol[2] = sphup[2] - svp + vol[1];
    vol[3] = sphup[4] * vol[2] ;
    vol[4] = (vol[0] * 1000)/vol[3] ;
    fspvol = vol[4];
    fspvol = fabs(fspvol);
float row(float sphum,float spvol)
    float row;
    row = (1 + sphum)/spvol;
    row = fabs(row);

float bhpeqns(float fh, float fs)

    float fh_f,fs_f,lgf,fs_ff;
    float svp_in,svph,svpi,svpj,svpk, svpl, svpm, svpn,too;//sat vap pressure
    float sphu_in,sphua,sphub,sphud,hin_f;//sp humidity
    float too1,too2,too3,too4,twbi1,twbi2,twbi3,twbi4,svp1,svp2,svp3,svp4,t1,t2,t3,t4,tdbi1,tdbi2,tdbi3,tdbi4;
    float sphu1,sphu2,sphu3,sphu4,spe1,spe2,spe3,spe4,spe;
    float h1,h2,h3,h4,h11,h22,h33,h44;
    float speat1,speat2,speat3,speat4,ra,h1a,h1b,h2a,h2b,h3a,h3b,h4a,h4b;
    float kav1,kav2,lg;
    float kav2a,kav2b,kav2c,kav2d,edisa_f;
    float fvel,fvel_f,l_f,l_s,g_f,g_s,spvol_in_s,spvol_in_f,row_in_s,row_in_f;
    float too_o,twbo,tdbo,svp_out,sphu_out,spvol_out_s,spvol_out_f,hout_s,hout_f,tdbo_f,row_out_s,row_out_f;
    float vel_in_s,vel_in_f,vel_out_s,vel_out_f,vel_fill_s,vel_fill_f,row_fill_s,row_fill_f,spvol_fill_s,spvol_fill_f;
    float wl_f,pdf1,pdf2,pdf3,pdf4,pdf5,pdf6,pd_il_inh20,pd_il_pa,cfm_fan_s,cfm_fan_f,pd_de_inh20,pd_de_pa,pd_fill_inh20,pd_fill_pa;
    float tpd_s_inh20,tpd_s_pa,pd_v_f,pd_v_s,bhp,bhp_w,tpd_f,tpd_s;
    float sphure,sphuref,spvolref,spvolre,predp;
    float pdvf2,pdvf3,bhhp1,bhhp2;

           r = thw - tcw ;
            app = tcw - twbi ;
            cela = cell*celw ;
            aia = ais*celw*aih;
            edisa = (0.785*(fand*fand));
            edisa_f = edisa*3.2808*3.2808;
            printf("\n edisa %f",edisa_f);
            gpmpc = gpm/celn ;
            wl = gpmpc/cela;
            wl_f = (gpmpc*4.402867)/(cela*3.2808*3.2808);// fpm

            twbi = twbi;
            svp_in = sat_vap(twbi);                //sat vap pressure calculated
            printf("\n sat vap p inlet is %f Pa",svp_in);

            tdbi = tdbi;
            twbi = twbi;
            sphu_in = sp_hum(svp_in, tdbi, twbi); // sp humidity is calculated
            printf("\n sp humidity inlet is %f kg/kg of dry air",sphu_in);

            spe_in = sp_enthalpy(tdbi,sphu_in);//sp enthalpy is calculated
            printf("\n inlet enthalpy is(kj/kg) %f",spe_in);
            spe = spe_in;

            hin_f = ((spe_in*1.8)/4.1858)+7.686 ;
            printf("\n inlet enthalpy is(btu/lb) %f",hin_f);

            lg = 1.0f;

 //         t1 = tcw + (0.1*r);
 //         t2 = tcw + (0.4*r);
 //         t3 = thw - (0.4*r);
 //         t4 = thw - (0.1*r);

            twbi1 = twbi + (0.1*r);
            twbi2 = twbi + (0.4*r);
            twbi3 = twbi + (0.6*r);
            twbi4 = twbi + (0.9*r);

            tdbi1 = twbi + (0.1*r);
            tdbi2 = twbi + (0.4*r);
            tdbi3 = twbi + (0.6*r);
            tdbi4 = twbi + (0.9*r);

            svp1 = sat_vap(twbi1);                //sat vap pressure calculated
         //   printf("\n sat vap p1 is %f",svp1);

            sphu1 = sp_hum(svp1, tdbi1, twbi1);  // sp humidity is calculated
          //  printf("\n sp humidity1 is %f",sphu1);

            spe1 = sp_enthalpy(tdbi1,sphu1);//sp enthalpy is calculated
          //  printf("\n enthalpy1 is %f",spe1);

            svp2 = sat_vap(twbi2);                //sat vap pressure calculated
         //   printf("\n sat vap p2 is %f",svp2);

            sphu2 = sp_hum(svp2, tdbi2, twbi2);  // sp humidity is calculated
          //  printf("\n sp humidity3 is %f",sphu2);

            spe2 = sp_enthalpy(tdbi2,sphu2);//sp enthalpy is calculated
          //  printf("\n enthalpy2 is %f",spe2);

            svp3 = sat_vap(twbi3);                //sat vap pressure calculated
         //   printf("\n sat vap p3 is %f",svp3);

            sphu3 = sp_hum(svp3, tdbi3, twbi3);  // sp humidity is calculated
          //  printf("\n sp humidity3 is %f",sphu3);

            spe3 = sp_enthalpy(tdbi3,sphu3);//sp enthalpy is calculated
          //  printf("\n enthalpy3 is %f",spe1);

            svp4 = sat_vap(twbi4);                //sat vap pressure calculated
         //   printf("\n sat vap p4 is %f",svp4);

            sphu4 = sp_hum(svp4, tdbi4, twbi4);  // sp humidity is calculated
          //  printf("\n sp humidity4 is %f",sphu4);

            spe4 = sp_enthalpy(tdbi4,sphu4);//sp enthalpy is calculated
          //  printf("\n enthalpy4 is %f",spe4);

            speat1 = spe + (0.1*lg*r);
            speat2 = spe + (0.4*lg*r);
            speat3 = spe + (0.6*lg*r);
            speat4 = spe + (0.9*lg*r);

            h1a = spe1-speat1;
            h1b = ((h1a*1.8)/4.1858);
            h1 = h1b + 7.686 ;
            h2a = spe2-speat2;
            h2b = ((h2a*1.8)/4.1858);
            h2 = h2b + 7.686 ;
            h3a = spe3-speat3;
            h3b = ((h3a*1.8)/4.1858);
            h3 = h3b + 7.686 ;
            h4a = spe4-speat4;
            h4b = ((h4a*1.8)/4.1858);
            h4 = h4b + 7.686 ;//btu/lb
            h11 = 1/h1;
            h22 = 1/h2;
            h33 = 1/h3;
            h44 = 1/h4;

            ra = (r*1.8)+32;//in deg f

            kav1 = ra*0.25*(h11+h22+h33+h44);//in fps ---- demand

 //    fvel = (wl*8.33)/(lg*0.07);//in m/s
            fvel_f = (wl*8.33)/(lg*0.07*0.227125);//in fpm conversion factor 0.227125 used

            fh_f = fh/0.3048;
            fs_f = fs*0.00328084;//in ft
            lgf = 1/lg;
            fs_ff = 1/fs_f;

            kav2a = kavlc[0] * pow(lgf,kavlc[1]);
            kav2b = pow(fvel_f,kavlc[2]);
            kav2c = pow(fh_f,kavlc[3]);
            kav2d = pow (fs_ff,kavlc[4]);
            kav2 = kav2a*kav2b*kav2c*kav2d; //supply ntu

            lg = lg+0.001;

            }while(kav1 <=kav2 && lg<=3.0f && lg>=1.0f);

               printf("\n the l/g ratio required for the performance is %f ",lg);
               kav2 = kav2a*kav2b*kav2c*kav2d;
               printf("\n the KAV/L_2  for the performance is %f ",kav2);
               kav1 = ra*0.25*(h11+h22+h33+h44);
               printf("\n the KAV/L_1  for the performance is %f ",kav1);

 // fvel = (wl*8.33)/(lg*0.07);//in m/s
               fvel_f = (wl*8.33)/(lg*0.07*0.00508);
               //printf("\n the velocity at the fill is %f m/s or %f fpm \n",fvel,fvel_f);

               l_f = (gpmpc * 4.402 * 8.33);//lb/min
               l_s = l_f * 0.0075598;// kg/sec
               printf("\n the mass flow rate of water is %f kg/s or %f lb/min",l_s,l_f);

              // lg = lg + 0.5;
               g_f = l_f/lg;
               g_s = l_s/lg;//g_f = g_s/(0.0075598);
               printf("\n the mass flow rate of air is %f kg/s or %f lb/min",g_s,g_f);

              printf("\n sat vap p inlet is %f Pa",svp_in);
               printf("\n sp humidity inlet is %f kg/kg of dry air",sphu_in);
               spvol_in_s = sp_vole(tdbi,twbi, svp_in);;//cum/kg
               spvol_in_f = spvol_in_s / 0.0624279606;//cuft/lb
               printf("\n the inlet specific volume is %f cum/kg or %f cu ft/lb ",spvol_in_s,spvol_in_f);//

               row_in_s = row(sphu_in,spvol_in_s);;
               row_in_f = row_in_s/16.0184634;
               printf("\n the inlet density is %f kg/cum or %f lb/cu ft",row_in_s,row_in_f);

               hout_s = spe + (lg*r);
               hout_f = ((hout_s*1.8)/4.1858)+7.686 ;
               printf("\n the inlet enthalpy is %f kj/kg or %f btu/lb",spe_in,hin_f);
               printf("\n the exit enthalpy is %f kj/kg or %f btu/lb",hout_s,hout_f);

               tdbo = hout_s/1.0062;
               printf("\n tdbo is %f",tdbo);
           //    tdbo_f = hout_f/0.240;//deg f
               twbo = tdbo;

            svp_out = sat_vape(twbo);               //sat vap pressure calculated
            printf("\n sat vap p exit is %f Pa  ",svp_out);

            sphu_out = sp_hum(svp_out,tdbo,twbo);

            printf("\n sp humidity exit is %f kg/kg of satureated air",sphu_out);

                spvol_out_s = sp_vole(tdbo,twbo,svp_out);//cum/kg
               spvol_out_f = spvol_out_s / 0.0624279606;//cuft/lb
               printf("\n the exit specific volume is %f cum/kg or %f cu ft/lb ",spvol_out_s,spvol_out_f);

               row_out_s = row(sphu_out,spvol_out_s);

               row_out_f = row_out_s/16.0184634;
               printf("\n the exit density is %f kg/cum or %f lb/cu ft",row_out_s,row_out_f);

               vel_in_s = (g_s * spvol_in_s)/aia ;//m/s
               vel_in_f = vel_in_s/0.00508;//fpm
               vel_out_s = (g_s*spvol_out_s)/cela ;
               vel_out_f =  vel_out_s/0.00508;

               row_fill_s = (row_in_s + row_out_s)/2 ;
               row_fill_f = (row_in_f + row_out_f)/2 ;
               spvol_fill_s = (spvol_in_s+spvol_out_s)/2;
               spvol_fill_f = (spvol_in_f+spvol_out_f)/2;   //

               vel_fill_s = (g_s*spvol_fill_s)/cela ;
               vel_fill_f = vel_fill_s/0.00508;

               printf("\n the specific volume at fill is %f cum/kg or %f cu ft/lb ",spvol_fill_s,spvol_fill_f);
               printf("\n the density at fill is %f kg/cum or %f lb/cu ft",row_fill_s,row_fill_f);
               printf("\n the velocity of air at inlet is %f m/s or %f fpm ",vel_in_s,vel_in_f);
               printf("\n the velocity of air at fill is %f m/s or %f fpm ",vel_fill_s,vel_fill_f);
               printf("\n the velocity of air at exit is %f m/s or %f fpm ",vel_out_s,vel_out_f);

               cfm_fan_s = g_s * spvol_out_s;//cum/s
               cfm_fan_f = g_f * spvol_out_f ;//cfm_fan_s * pow(3.2808,3) * 60;or cfm_fan_s * 2118.89;
               printf("\n the volume flow rate of air at fan CFAN is %f cum/s or %f cu ft/min \n",cfm_fan_s,cfm_fan_f);

               pd_il_inh20 = (3 * ((2*pow(10,-7)*vel_in_f*vel_in_f)+(3*pow(10,-6)*vel_in_f))*(row_in_f/0.07));
        //       pd_il_pa = pd_il_inh20*249;//pascal
               printf("\n pd il %f in ",pd_il_inh20);

               pd_de_inh20 = (1*((3*pow(10,-7)*vel_out_f*vel_out_f)-(9*pow(10,-6)*vel_out_f) + 0.003 )*(row_out_f/0.07));
        //       pd_de_pa = pd_de_inh20*249;//pascal
               printf("\n pd de %f in ",pd_de_inh20);

               pdf1 = (fh_f/fs_f);
               pdf2 =pow(pdf1,pd_fill_n);
               pdf3 = ((pd_fill_a)+(pd_fill_b *pow(fh_f,pd_fill_m)));
               pdf4 = (pd_fill_c * (pow(vel_fill_f,pd_fill_o)));
               pdf5 = (pd_fill_d * pow(wl_f,pd_fill_q));
               pdf6 = (pow(vel_fill_f,pd_fill_p));

               pd_fill_inh20 = ((pdf2 * pdf3 * pdf4 * pdf5 * pdf6)*(row_fill_f/0.07));
               printf("\n pd fill %f in ",pd_fill_inh20);
         //      pd_fill_pa = pd_fill_inh20*249;

               tpd_s_inh20 = (pd_il_inh20 + pd_de_inh20 + pd_fill_inh20);
               printf("\n hs %f in ",tpd_s_inh20);
               tpd_s_pa = tpd_s_inh20*249;

               pd_v_f =  (row_out_f/1202312)*(cfm_fan_f/edisa_f)*(cfm_fan_f/edisa_f);
               printf("\n hv %f in",pd_v_f);
               pd_v_s = pd_v_f * 249 ;
               tpd_f = pd_v_f + tpd_s_inh20;
               tpd_s = tpd_s_pa + pd_v_s;
               printf("\n the overall pressure drop across the cooling tower is %f pa or %f inches of water col",tpd_s,tpd_f);

               bhp = ((cfm_fan_f*(tpd_s_inh20+pd_v_f))/(6356*fann));//hp
               bhp_w = bhp*0.745699872;//kw
               printf("\n the required brake horse power of the fan is %f Bhp or %f kw",bhp,bhp_w);

return (bhp_w);

void kkt_optimize()
    float ofh,ofs,obhp,bhp_max,bhp_min,fill_h[40],fill_s[40],bh_p[40],bhp_dif[40];
    float fhi = 0.6096,/*fsi = 12.0f,fhf = 1.8288,*/ fsf = 19.0f,lam = 0.8;
    int p,i,j,q,z;
    int x0[10],xe[10],location = 0;
    float y0[10],ye[10];
    int gd = DETECT, gm;

    fill_h[0] = fhi;
    fill_s[0] = fsf;
    bh_p[0] = bhpeqns(fill_h[0],fill_s[0]);
    bhp_dif[0] = 0;
    printf("at the initial condition of the fill height of %f m and  flute spacing of %f mm the fan poer is %f kw",fill_h[0],fill_s[0],bh_p[0]);
    q = 0;

    for(i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
    while(fill_s[i-1] > 11.0f)
        p = q + 1 ;
        for(j = 1 ; lam > 0.002 ; j++)
            while(fill_h[j-1] < 1.8289)
            fill_h[j] = fill_h[j-1] + lam;
            fill_s[j] = fill_s[i-1];
            bh_p[j] = fabs(bhpeqns(fill_h[j],fill_s[j]));
            bhp_dif[j] = fabs(((bh_p[j] - bh_p[j-1])));
            if(bhp_dif[j] < 0.5)
                fill_h[j] = fill_h[j-1] + (lam + 0.01);
                fill_s[j] = fill_s[i-1];
                bh_p[j] = fabs(bhpeqns(fill_h[j],fill_s[j]));
                fill_h[j] = fill_h[i-1] + lam;
                fill_s[j] = fill_s[i-1];
                bh_p[j] = fabs(bhpeqns(fill_h[j],fill_s[j]));
            fill_h[p] = fill_h[j];
            fill_s[p] = fill_s[j];
            bh_p[p] = bh_p[j];
            if(fill_h[j] > 1.4)
                lam = lam/2;
                lam = lam;
            p = p +1 ;   q = p;
        fill_s[i] = fill_s[i - 1] - 1;
    z = q;
printf("\n the total number of iterations done are %d",q);
for(p = 0; p < z ; p++)
printf("\n %d  fh %f  fs  %f  bhp  %f",p,fill_h[p],fill_s[p],bh_p[p]);
bhp_max =  bh_p[0];
bhp_min =  bh_p[0];

for(i=1;i< z ;i++)
if(bhp_max < (bh_p[i]))
{   bhp_max =  bh_p[i]; }
if(bhp_min > (bh_p[i]))
{   bhp_min = bh_p[i]; location = i; }
printf("\n max is %f \n min is %f",bhp_max ,bhp_min);
printf("\n the optimum is at condition %d having  bhp %f at fh  %f  fs  %f",location,bh_p[location],fill_h[location],fill_s[location]);



i am facing the problem with kkt_optimize function

I'll assume from a previous related thread that you are using Turbo C++, which is unfortunate but I know there's nothing to be done about it (except protest to the government University Standards board, which I understand is probably futile). Therefore I'll limit my comments about the headers to a reminder that you don't actually need several of the ones you have included.

In fact, I am dismayed at how little you actually followed my earlier advice, in general. I do see a lot of improvements, but the code is still pretty much a disaster. However, if the bhpeqns() equations function now works, then that is what is most important, I suppose.

As for the ktt_optimize() function, what exactly is it doing, and where is it going wrong?

i also have some graphs to be generated for which i am using the graphics header and when i am removing any of thge other header files,the program is throwing an error..
bhpeqns is working and is also giving quite accurate results..i am basically a mechanical student and my grasp of c is not that extensive so do excuse the lengthy code..
well coming to point , the objective of optimize function is to evaluate bhp for varying values of fill_h and fill_s and the output format is to be in the form given in the initial thread of this discussion..
but it is evaluating for only one fill_h for a particular fill_s and if even the lam value is changed from 0.8 to 0.6,it shows error's of the kind(pow : error, / : error, etc).to be noted i have made all the base as well as exponents of every pow function positive in this program to negate the error..

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