Saw this thread today:
You may download the (free) source code from here
Need to say it's all, but you can easily have a .dll (all the 'machinery' is inside a folder: just complile as a .Net's .dll).

Then, to derivate say 'cos(x)':
dim strToDerivate as string = "Dx(cos(x))"
dim m8 as matrixParser = Mates8.matrixParser.parse(strToDerivate, "", Nothing)
Label1.text = Mates8.m8.ret.toStringRetVal ' retrive & show the result:

For integration:
dim strToIntegrate as string = "∫(cos(x))dx" ' also "integral(cos(x))dx" does work
m8 = Mates8.matrixParser.parse(strToIntegrate, "", Nothing)
Label2.text = m8.ret.toStringRetVal

If you're answering a post in a specific thread you should really post your answer( a link here is ok) in that thread.

If you just want to share code, first you should make your post a code snippet, then post the relevant source code(the actual code, not just a link) and any explanations.

IMO he is just spamming,

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