i used this code to send email from vb6 form that connect with out look email account

'Dim olapp As New Outlook.Application 
'Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem 

'Create a new mail object form the 
'Outlook98 Application object 
'Set olMail = olapp.CreateItem(olMailItem) 

'Set the mail fields of the olMail object 
'olMail.Subject = <subject goes in here> 
'olMail.To = <the email address goes in here> 
'olMail.Body = <the mail body does in here> 

'Tell Outlook to send this message 

'Be kind to your environment and clean 
'up your unused objects 
'Set olMail = Nothing 
'Set olapp = Nothing 
'--end code block

my Question is how i can set more email reciver

' olMail.To = <the email address goes in here>  ?? 

and how i can retrive picture from my data base and attachemnt to email ??

olMail.attatchemnt = <what i should write here> 

anyone could be help please ??

I found a how to send with out Outlook that covers both Outlook and sending with out outlook. here.

The Not With Outlook appears to have a way to use attachments. However it requires a Reference to CDO 1.2.1 which can be downloaded here
And it requires Outlook 2007 to be installed before the CDO will install

No promises. I haven't tried any of this, but maybe it will get you started.

Or you might try, on about line 11,

.attachment.add ("C:\MyPath\MyPic.Jpg")

This link gives a method to embed the image in the body.

My outlook reference isn't working so I have no way to check this code.

Dim olapp As New Outlook.Application 
'Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem 
'Create a new mail object form the 
'Outlook98 Application object 
'Set olMail = olapp.CreateItem(olMailItem) 
'Set the mail fields of the olMail object 
'olMail.Subject = <subject goes in here> 
'olMail.To = <the email address goes in here> 
'olMail.Body = <the mail body does in here> 
olMail.attachment.add("Your path")
'Tell Outlook to send this message 
'Be kind to your environment and clean 
'up your unused objects 
'Set olMail = Nothing 
'Set olapp = Nothing 
'--end code block

its working , thx all

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