I want to ask, how to upload and download files in VB6?


What kind of file, and to where?

Hi Klahr,
Klahr be like this, I have a song file. mp3 on the server and sent to another server,
This is a question for my friend,
so please you can also help Klahr_R


Check this

This isn' somethig I am familiar with so

Upload and Download to and from an FTP Server?

To : Klahr

okay thank you very much Klahr,
You always help me,
Okay fine, I understand

To : Ahmed.C
Hi Ahmed.C,

yeah you're right,
This is a program for uploading and downloading via FTP Server,
can you give me an example code?


I've tried this code but it does not work

Function UploadFile(ByVal HostName As String, _
ByVal UserName As String, _
ByVal Password As String, _
ByVal LocalFileName As String, _
ByVal RemoteFileName As String) As Boolean

Dim FTP As Inet

Set FTP = New Inet
With FTP
.Protocol = icFTP
.RemoteHost = HostName
.UserName = UserName
.Password = Password
.Execute .URL, "Put " + LocalFileName + " " + RemoteFileName
Do While .StillExecuting
UploadFile = (.ResponseCode = 0)
End With
Set FTP = Nothing
End Function 

can you help me Ahmed C?


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