Hi ..... i want to stream the audio to the socket stream in java...... how to do that....

well ... first it's good thing to know that jmf is pretty out of date, and hasn't been updated for years.

the "how to do that" is most likely a lot more to explain than you want to read in a simple post.

what have you got so far? have you already started on your code?

No i didnt started yet..... i just used jmf to play audio files..... If JMF is out of date means... which technology is good to do that.......

Thank you.... is it possible to grab the audio from the webcam and stream to socket.......

grab the audio from webcam .... cam -> graphical data -> .....
I assume you mean your microphone? ehm, I suggest, you start with 'getting the data from the microphone' before you start wondering on how to stream it.

The hard part will be to get the webcam's audio stream - I can't help you with that. Once you have the audio in the form of some kind of in-memory byte array buffer, streaming it to a socket is simoply a case of opening a data output stream for the socket and writing the data to it.

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