am doing a project for school . it involves a lot of file and string operations and i keep compiling the code over and over again to see if it is working properly ... all of a sudden the code simple stopped executing .. the code ran a number of times before now it just refuses to run ... why does the code corrupt so easily ?? :sad: is there any solution to this ??coz i dont want the code to crash during my demo... i use the bloodshed Dev C++ compiler .
pls help

Member Avatar for iamthwee

let me see that code?

Sorry, but you wore out your code. The only way to fix the problem is to print the source out and then type it all back in fresh. This also happens when you let code sit too long and it starts to rot.

But seriously, if your code suddenly stops working it means you either introduced a bug, or uncovered an existing bug.

i deleted that code .. every bit of it ... have to type it in again ... but am surethat if i run it again too many times to correct it its gonno crash again ... just wanted to knw if there is anything i can do to avoid it ?? is this coz of the memory locations being used over and over again ?? can this be avoided?

>is this coz of the memory locations being used over and over again ??
Memory doesn't work that way.

>but am surethat if i run it again too many times to correct it its gonno crash again
What makes you so sure? It sounds like you're trying to blame everything but yourself, when the problem is 99.9% sure to be you.

maybe ur rite.. sorry .. wil try again.

Sorry, but you wore out your code. The only way to fix the problem is to print the source out and then type it all back in fresh. This also happens when you let code sit too long and it starts to rot..

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: you really should have put a smily after that so that some gullible sole (like me) will see the satire. Funniest thing I've read all day.:cheesy:

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