I created a Save button and I also have made the code for the Save button
But why the error message like this:

Run-time error '-2147217913(80040e07)
convension failed when converting the varchar value '28/08/2013 10:11:01 to data type bit

mohon bantuannya,

As far as my understanding goes, you can't convert a date type to a bit type.

I also do not understand why there is an error like this, but it is used typenya all data types DATE / TIME,
do i need to explain the code SAVE?

Member Avatar for Rahul47

I you are not applying the proper conversions. Post your code here.

can you give your save code?

this is my code:

        " VALUES (" & _
        "'" & Text1.Text & "', " & _
        "'" & Text7.Text & "', " & _
        "'" & Text3.Text & "', " & _
         "'" & Text9.Text & "', " & _
        "'" & Text2.Text & "', " & _
         "'" & Text5.Text & "', " & _
        "'" & Text8.Text & "', " & _
         "'" & Label11.Caption & "', " & _
          "'" & Text10.Text & "', " & _
           "'" & Combo2.Text & "', " & _
            "'" & Label1.Caption & "' " & _ 'this is This label is used to display the date
                 conn.Execute SQLTambah
Member Avatar for Rahul47

If datatype of DATE_ADDED is datetime in table iMUSIC, then you need to use a DateTimePicker instead of a Label.

While passing parameter you need to use conversion like this:


Do the above and check.

Rahul47 :
how should bring a DateTimePicker?
I've been looking for the whole time of its existence but did not find,
please help,

Member Avatar for Rahul47

how should bring a DateTimePicker?

You can find it in Tool Box. Look harder you will find it.

can you tell what you are in search of ?
are you in search of how to add date and time?
I can't understand what you mean./..
so please can you elaborate it.?

DM Galaxy :
yes I am looking for the components of the date and time,
according to the suggestions of Rahul47, I have to use the DateTimePicker,
and I was looking for the location of the DateTimePicker,
if you can help me to find it?


Okay I'll look harder about it,
okay thanks for all the advice and help,

Member Avatar for Rahul47

I don'see how you are not able to find DateTimePicker as it is present in ToolBox itself. I hope you are not missing it by chance.

as to see the code of date and time then watch the below codes:
Label1 as time and
label2 as date

Label1.Text = TimeOfDay
Label2.Text = DateString

I think this code will tell you the time as well as date too.
If i just misunderstood what you tell me then please correct me by elaborating the data...

oh I've found the components of the
thank you for all your help,


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