I am writing a program that a user inputs a 8 digit binary number and I need to convert it to a decimal number. I am trying to figure out a way for the user to enter the binary number without any deleminators, but be able to manipulate each digit of the number seperately. Any ideas

If you read it in as a String you can then use String's toCharArray method to give you an array where each element is a single character from the String.

james, is there another way to do it without reading it as a string. Haven't gotten into array's in my class yet. I know alittle but not enough to help me

If you're not into arrays yet then maybe read as a String, then use String's charAt(int i) method to pick out each char one at a time to manipulate them, as in

String input = (get this from user input)
if (input.charAt(0) == '1') ... // first digit is a one
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