Hi guys

first off excuse me if this seems noobish but i usally work in php and MySQL with some c++
a friend asked me if i could make a database application that wasn't web based for them so after doing some research i found this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w2JkLcp-UA which works like a charm but i need to retrieve all the values from the email field and place into a textbox ready for emailing all clients ie here@now.com;there@then.com etc,etc

any pointers would be welcomed

It would help to see some of your relevant code and more information about exactly what's not working...

Hi JorgM

Thats the problem I don't really know where to start on getting the info out :(
I can get all the info from the database by using the show data and dragging it into my form but not sure how to get the info I need into a string for use as a email list

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