Dear Friends:

I am working on a prject and I am receiving these three errors:

Warning 1 warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data F:\College Material\CS270\SourceCode\Exec11_14\Exec11_14\BST.cpp 18 1 Exec11_14

Error 2 error C2664: 'bSearchTreeType<elemType>::postorderInsert' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'bSearchTreeType<elemType> **' to 'bSearchTreeType<elemType> *' f:\college material\cs270\sourcecode\exec11_14\exec11_14\binarySearchTree.h 134 1 Exec11_14

Error 3 error C2664: 'bSearchTreeType<elemType>::preorderInsert' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'bSearchTreeType<elemType> **' to 'bSearchTreeType<elemType> *' f:\college material\cs270\sourcecode\exec11_14\exec11_14\binarySearchTree.h 128 1 Exec11_14

The first error is in line 18 of the main cpp (BST.cpp), the second in line 134, and the third in line 128 of the bBinarySearchTree.h file. I've tried to figure it out, but I need your help.

Any idea of the problem? I really will appreciate any help.


The first one is a warning rather than an error. You've got an object of type time_t and you're using it as an unsigned int.

The second one; you are passing a pointer to a pointer (to a bSearchTreeType<elemType>), where it is expected that you pass just a pointer (to a bSearchTreeType<elemType>).

The third is the same.

If you show us lines 134 and 128, we can identify where you're going wrong. I expect you're passing the address of the pointer, where you should be just passing the pointer.

Google is best for these types of errors :)

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