i recently found an interesting problem(#19) on the project euler website - projecteuler.net
The real answer is 171 and i am getting 175
What is wrong with this code-

def sunday():


    for i in range(1901,2001):
        n=leap(i)                    #Checking if year is leap year
        if n == True:               # if it is...
            c=0                     #set c and m to 0
            for j in range(1,366):  #Till a leap year...
                c+=1                #c is the count of days
                for k in leapmonths:#if a month starts
                    if k == j:
                        if c%6 == 0:# if day is sunday
                            sun+=1      #increment count of sundays

        elif n == False:            # if it is not a leap year
            for j in range(1,365):
                for k in months:
                    if k == j:
                        if c%6 == 0:
    return sun        #Return the number of sundays        

def leap(x):
    if x%4 == 0 and (x%100 != 0 or x%400 == 0):
        return True
        return False

Any help will be appriciated!

One problem is that you start each year with c = 1 on the first day. Since your criterion for sundays is c%6 == 0. It means that every year starts with a tuesday.

Date and time measurement is a complex area full of tricky problems and unexpected edge-cases.
This is why we have and should use libraries for this.
It can of course be fun to do this manually,but also painful if you try for a long periods of time like this.

Just a demo how it can look with datetime module.

import datetime

date = datetime.date(1901, 1, 1)
days = 0
while date.year < 2001:
    if date.weekday() == 6 and date.day == 1:
        days += 1
    date += datetime.timedelta(days=1)

print 'Sundays that felled on the first month during the twentieth century was {}'.format(days)

Sundays that felled on the first month during the twentieth century was 171
commented: Nice answer. +14

That was very helpful.But besides using the libraries i would also like to understand which part of my algorithm was wrong.

If you could explain what was wrong in it i would appreciate it even more.
Thanks anyway!

Check the first answer in Python in the forum of that question. It does it properly (not allowed to post it here), using two lists of months like you (not total from beginning of year but lengths of each month).

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