I'm new to this topic..!! Please help me out.. I have learned about Visual Basic during my High school but now there is a new topic which i'm interested & that is VB.net..!! Could you please tell me that is there any difference between them or are these two languages are similar to each other..

I like other languages, but if I had to choose, it would be VB.NET.

me too

Yeah there is difference in this language.
I will advice you to read some related tags with your question because many of users more than 5-6 have questioned and admin and me like user also answered much alot,

then too I will advise to google/wikipedia out so that you will get all the correct information, and that will be true enough...
more more info visit: http://visualstudio.com


The Visual Basic versions are the pre .NET versions, the Visual Basic.NET versions are the versions of Visual Basic that run on the .NET framework.

Yes, there are differences between the two but if you have Visual Basic experience it should not be a huge "jump" to Visual Basic.NET.

In fact, the advantages to programming in VB.NET as opposed to VB will encourage you to move over as you become more familiar with VB.NET. For instance, in VB if you wanted a user to navigate to a file on the computer, you used to have to put a DriveListBox, a DirListBox and a FileListBox on your form and link them all in your code just to allow the user to select a file. In Visual Basic .NET you can now just use a single control, the OpenFileDialog this control opens a the standard Windows dialog and allows the user to select the file returning the filepath to you the only coding you worry about is processing the the filepath.

There should be plenty of resources out there to enable you to switch between the two, I'd recommend looking at the Microsoft Virtual Academy there free online courses there and I'd expect them to have a VB.NET one.

Pre .NET and post .NET are like having the same language on two different platforms altogether. Think of VB.NET as being VB on the .NET Framework. Take a look here for a brief overview of what the .NET Framework actually is.

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