I am getting an error on this code. Is it to do with whats in the while loop? How do i get it working?

Basically i want to be able to take in letter or number variables, and each would output something, and if they type exit it breaks out of the loop.

#include <string>

string input;

    while (input != 'exit')
        cout << "OS#: ";
        getline (cin, input);

        if (input == 'a')
            cout << "hello";


Ahhhh it looks like i cant use '' i have to use quotations like "

Yes ... you are correct ...

A string has: string s = "message";
A char has: char c = '!';

#include <string>

// ...

int main()
    std::string input = "" // nice to show, but not needed since "" IS default constructor value

    while( input != "exit" )
        std::cout << "OS#: ";
        getline( std::cin, input );

        if( input == "a" )
            std::cout << "hello";
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