Write the definition of a function named copy that reads all the strings remaining to be read in standard input and displays them, one on a line with no other spacing, onto standard output .

void copy()
    string x;

    if(cin >> x)
        if(cin != '\n')
    return (x +1);

    cout << x <<endl;

Let's see if you can determine the problems with these two lines:

void copy()


    return (x +1);

then figure out what it implies for


(Bonus points if you can see the syntax error in that last line.)

Well I have return as void and I am attempting to return an integer of some sort.
There is no semicolon after copy().

void copy()
    string x;
    if(cin >> x)
        if(cin != '\n')
    cout << x <<endl;

Just ran that code.. still not working. I think I am missing something. I am trying to recursively call cin to read a set of strings such as "Here comes the sun" and then output the string. Really not sure where I am going wrong.

I'm going to recommend two things: first, that you change the return type to string and second, that you declare a char ch. If you then take the return value, and append x to it:

string copy()
    cin >> ch; 

    if(ch != '\n')
        return ("" + ch + copy());
        return "";

then it should fall into place.

I can't have it return a string. This is being done in my programming lab (which is horrible) and I can't change that.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void copy();
//The above code is what is inside my programming lab
void copy
    string word;
    x=x+word+" ";

       cout << x << endl;

I tried it this way to no avail.

void copy ()
    string x;

    if(cin >> x)
    cout << x <<endl;

Ashley I would rewrite your last post as

void copy()
    string x;
    // do I still have input?
    if (cin >> x)
        cout << x << endl
    // if no input remains return
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