Hi, anyone like to offer some extra eyes on this problem? I am having trouble with the array pointer and with the variables. I don't seem to have the pointer set up because the additional times the array is called it is empty. Also, if I don't use integers the program drops through.

Any ideas where I am going wrong?

Thanks you guys.

Question is in the code



*         NumClass
*  Design a class that has an array of floating point numbers. The constructor
*  should accept an integer argument and dynamically allocate the array to hold that many
*  numbers. The destructor should free the memory held by the array.  In addition, there
*  should be member functions to perform the following operations:
*       *   Store a number in any element in of the array
*       *   Retrieve a number in any element of the array
*       *   Return the highest value stored in the array
*       *   Return the lowest value stored in the array
*       *   Return the average of all the numbers stored in the array
*  Demonstrate the class in a program

#include "NumClass.h"       // For the NumClass class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Main to run program
int main()
    int a_size = 10;            // initialize
    NumClass myArray(a_size);   // name for instance of array
    int element;                // to pick an element from the array
    int size;

    // Get the array size.
    cout << "Enter the arrays's size: ";
    cin >> size;
    cout << endl;

    // ask for the numbers in the array
    for (int index =0; index < size; index++)
        cout << "What is the number that is in " << index << " place of the array? \n";
        cin >> myArray.theArray[index];

    // store the  in the instance of digits

    cout << "Pick an element in the array. \n";
    cin >> element;

    // Display the Array's data.
    cout << "\t Array Information \n";
    cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
    cout << "\t Number from element " << element << " :" << myArray.theArray[element] << endl;
    cout << "\t Highest :      " << myArray.getHighest() << endl;
    cout << "\t Lowest:     " << myArray.getLowest() << endl;
    cout << "\t Average: " << myArray.getAverage() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
    cout << endl;



// Implementation file for the NumClass class
# include "NumClass.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// The default constructor
NumClass::NumClass(int size)
    theArray = new int[size];       // points to a dynamically allocated array of integers
    numElements = size;             // number of elements in the array

    for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
        theArray[index] = 0;        // set everyting to zero to start

    delete[]theArray;  //free memory
    theArray = 0;    //clear to prevent invalid memory address

// Accessor function for the highest number
// use const to tell complier not to change it
// only return value
double NumClass::getHighest() const
    int count;    // local to count in loop
    double highest;  // to hold highest

    // set the first array element to highest
    highest = theArray[0];

    // step through array size to compare
    for (count =1; count < numElements; count++)
        if (theArray[count] > highest)
            // stores the highest number
            highest = theArray[count];
    return  highest;

// Accessor function for the lowest
// use const to tell complier not to change it
// only return value
double NumClass::getLowest() const
    int count;    // local to count in loop
    double lowest;  // to hold lowest

    // set the first array element to lowest
    lowest = theArray[0];

    // step through array size to compare
    for (count = 1; count < numElements; count++)
        if (theArray[count] < lowest)
            // stores the lowest number
            lowest = theArray[count];
    return  lowest;

// Accessor function for the average
// use const to tell complier not to change it
// only return value
double NumClass::getAverage() const
    double total = 0;   // accumulator for function
    int count;          // local to count in loop
    double average;     // to hold average

    // step through array size to add up numbers
    for (count = 0; count < numElements; count++)
        total =+ theArray[count];
    average = (total/count);
    return average;



// Specification file for the NumClass class
#ifndef NumClass_H      // include guard to keep from being run twice
#define NumClass_H      // defines class

class NumClass      // class name
    // private member variables
    // Dynamically allocate size of array
    int *theArray;  // pointer to the array
    int numElements;    // number of elements

    NumClass(int);      // constructor
    ~NumClass();    // destructor

    // Mutators used to alter variables
    void setHighest(double);        // set the highest value
    void setLowest(double);     // set the lowest value
    void setAverage(double);        // set the average value

    // Accessors used to get the variables
    //set as constant to avoid making changes to variable
    //int getElement() const;
    double getHighest() const;
    double getLowest() const;
    double getAverage() const;

#endif      // closes guard

Well for a start you have there an array of int not float/double.

In main you have this statement a number of times.
Think what exactly you expect to happen here?

I believe nothing is happening, It's just saying "hey look at me, I'm an array index of a class member array, it's neither setting nor getting anything.

It might be that you want to call your "mutator" as you call them, member functions.

Sorry I don't have time to help modify, just providing something to think about in lieu of more time.

You should move the initialization of your NumClass to line 53 because it is being initialized with a default size of 10, so then what ever size the user enters isnt being created and can cause the array to go out of bounds.

This line "myArray.theArray[size];", is just trying to reference an element in the array, its not doing anything else.

In your average function block you have got "=+" instead of += other than that it all works fine.

Here is the working code:

#include "NumClass.h" // For the NumClass class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Main to run program
int main()

NumClass * myArray; //create a pointer to the numberClass
int element; // to pick an element from the array
int size;

// Get the array size.
cout << "Enter the arrays's size: ";
cin >> size;
cout << endl;

myArray = new NumClass(size); //call the class constructor initializing a new array with the user defined size

// ask for the numbers in the array
for (int index =0; index < size; index++)
cout << "What is the number that is in " << index << " place of the array? \n";
cin >> myArray->theArray[index]; //assign the values to the array indexes
// store the in the instance of digits

cout << "Pick an element in the array. \n";
cin >> element;
// Display the Array's data.
cout << "\t Array Information \n";
cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
cout << "\t Number from element " << element << " :" << myArray->theArray[element] << endl;
cout << "\t Highest : " << myArray->getHighest() << endl;
cout << "\t Lowest: " << myArray->getLowest() << endl;
cout << "\t Average: " << myArray->getAverage() << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
cout << endl;

delete myArray;
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