see first elif statement for syntax error, where have i gone wrong??
this is only a section of code, help very much appreciated.

if dice == dice2 :
    print ("The scores on both dice remain constant, no changes are made.")

elif dice > dice2 :
    print ("The scores of the two dice thrown are not the same.")
    print (a, "'s new strength is", difference, "+", c "and the new skill value is", difference2, "+", cc)

elif dice < dice2 :
    print ("The scores of the two dice thrown are not the same.")
    print (b, "'s new strength is", difference, "-", d "and the the new skill value is", difference2, "-", dd)

else :
    print ("I think we have an error!")

The problem is c "and the new skill value is": there's only a space between c and the string - no comma.

Same after "d" missing comma.
Learn to use string formatting.

>>> a = 100
>>> difference = 'high'
>>> print('The gap between {} and 1000000 is {}'.format(a, difference))
The gap between 100 and 1000000 is high

A good Python editor will spot error like this for you.
Pycharm has now a Free Community Edition,that's good.

Missing Comma in two lines:

c "and the new skill value is"

d "and the the new skill value is"
may be syntax error is due to the missing commas in above two statements...

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