This is a snippet from a larger block of code. The print statements are included for testing.

Within 'main', if I ouput the 'cell_ptr' or 'params' pointers, it correctly returns pointer values but if I try to output an element from the params array, I get an '...illegal operation...' message.

Yet it works OK in the sub.
What am I doing wrong?

struct keys {
	string	*params;
	keys	*next;
keys	*cell_ptr = NULL;
void build_celldata()
	keys	*curr;
	char buffer[5];
	string cells[] = { "R0","" };
	for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
		sprintf(buffer, "%d", i);
		string si = buffer;
		cells[1] = "celldata" +si+ "0";
		keys	*temp = new keys;
		temp->params	= cells;
		temp->next		= NULL;
		if (cell_ptr == NULL)
			cell_ptr = temp;
			curr = cell_ptr;
// testing
cout << cell_ptr->params[0] << "=" << cell_ptr->params[1] << endl;
			curr->next = temp;
			curr = curr->next;
cout << curr->params[0] << "=" << curr->params[1] << endl;

int main()
cout << cell_ptr->params[0] << "=" << cell_ptr->params[1] << endl;
	return 0;

params is a pointer to the cells array, but the cells array is destroyed when build_celldata returns.

Thanks, Narue.
Closely examining my code, I also realized that the 'cells' array pointer never changes, so the data was overwritten within the 'for' loop. Not exactly what I wanted.
I edited the code as shown, and now it works. :)

struct keys {
  string  params[2];
  keys    *next;
keys  *cell_ptr = NULL;
void build_celldata()
  keys  *curr;
  char  buffer[5];
  for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
    sprintf(buffer, "%d", i);
    string si = buffer;

    // Build each 'params' array here.
    keys  *temp = new keys;
    temp->params[0] = "R0";
    temp->params[1] = "celldata" +si+ "0";
    temp->next      = NULL;

    if (cell_ptr == NULL)
      cell_ptr = temp;
      curr = cell_ptr;
      curr->next = temp;
      curr = curr->next;

int main()
cout << cell_ptr->params[0] << "=" << cell_ptr->params[1] << endl;
  return 0;
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