RegisterHotKey is for we use the combined keys and the WM_HOTKEY message. i use these function for use the alt combination... but i need ask: can i re-regist the combination keys?

You could call UnregisterHotKey then RegisterHotKey.
If this isn't what you need, could you clarify what you are wanting to achieve.

i belive that you call it Acelerator Keys(alt key + letter key for activate the button(for exemple) click. that function help me make the simulation, but when the caption\text is changed, the hot key must be changed too, but seems not correctly :(

seems that i found some problems... when i change the parent, i can lose somethings or the HWND is changed ;)
that's why, when i try change the hot key, i can get several problems.
but i need more information, please

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