no instance of function templatemaximum* matches the argument list argument types are: (int,int,int)*

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
T maximum(T value)
    T maxValue;
    if (value >= maxValue)
        maxValue = value;
        value = value;
    return value;
int main()
    int number1 = 1;
    int number2 = 2;
    int number3 = 3;
    //double n1 = 1.11;
    //double n2 = 2.22;
    //double n3 = 3.33;
    cout << " Max integer value is :" << maximum(number1, number2, number3) << endl;
    return 0;

your function has only one parameter maximum(T value)
change it to maximum(T value1, T value2, T value3)

This isn't really a problem of templates, it's just the problem that you don't have a function named maximum that could take 3 values. Your maximum function template can only take a single value (not to mention that that function is not going to work at anything, because it has obvious errors in it).

If you need a maximum function that takes three values, you need to define one that takes three values:

template <typename T>
T maximum(T v1, T v2, T v3) {
  //.. code here..

I was trying to make it look something like this

template <class T> // template prefix
T abs(T value) // header line
 T absnum; // variable declaration
 if (value < 0)
 absnum = -value;
 absnum = value;
return absnum;
int main()
 int num1 = -4;
 float num2 = -4.23f;
 double num3 = -4.23456;
 cout << "The absolute value of " << num1
 << " is " << abs(num1) << endl;
 cout << "The absolute value of " << num2
 << " is " << abs(num2) << endl;
 cout << "The absolute value of " << num3
 << " is " << abs(num3) << endl;
 return 0;

You can't only pass one value to a function to find maximum value between some values!!!!
firstly make a function to take three parameters next compare value1 and value2 then compare it to the third one

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
T maximum(T value1,T value2, T value3)
    T maxValue =0;
    if (value1 >= maxValue)
        maxValue = value1;
    else if (value2 >= value1)
        maxValue = value2;
    else if (value3 >= value2)
        maxValue = value3;
    return maxValue;
int main()
    int number1 = 1;
    int number2 = 2;
    int number3 = 3;
    //double n1 = 1.11;
    //double n2 = 2.22;
    //double n3 = 3.33;
    cout << " Max integer value is :" << maximum(number1, number2, number3) << endl;
    char aaa;
    cin >> aaa;
    return 0;

Why doesn't this work?

becuase it wrong :-D
line 7 why compare between value1 and maxvalue?

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