Hi all,
I am working with a project which includes Crystal Reports in Vb.Net and SQL Server2000 as Back end.

The code in button click is

str5 = "D:\AttendanceReport.rpt"
If Not IO.File.Exists(str5) Then
Throw (New Exception("Unable to locate report file:" & vbCrLf & str5))
End If
str6 = "SELECT * FROM attendance WHERE attendance.dates ='" & str & " ' and Empid in ( Select Empid from EmployeeDetails where DeptId in (Select Deptid from departments where deptname='" & Convert.ToString(cbxDept.SelectedItem) & "' ))"

da5 = New OleDbDataAdapter(str6, sDbConnection)
da5.Fill(ds5, "Attendance")
Dim myReportDocument As ReportDocument
myReportDocument = New ReportDocument
'Binding report with CrystalReportViewer 
CRViewer.ReportSource = myReportDocument

I am getting an error as

'DataBind' is not a member of 'CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer'.

I can't understand why the error is Coming
Please Help me

Thanks in advance

Hi sravan,

When you are using crystal reports in vb.net,there is no method databind available.It is enough if you set the reportsource property to the correct crystal report.

Here is your code.
str5 = "D:\AttendanceReport.rpt"
If Not IO.File.Exists(str5) Then
Throw (New Exception("Unable to locate report file:" & vbCrLf & str5))
End If
str6 = "SELECT * FROM attendance WHERE attendance.dates ='" & str & " ' and Empid in ( Select Empid from EmployeeDetails where DeptId in (Select Deptid from departments where deptname='" & Convert.ToString(cbxDept.SelectedItem) & "' ))"

da5 = New OleDbDataAdapter(str6, sDbConnection)
da5.Fill(ds5, "Attendance")
Dim myReportDocument As ReportDocument
myReportDocument = New ReportDocument
'Binding report with CrystalReportViewer
CRViewer.ReportSource = myReportDocument

Hope this helps



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