This worked for a txt/zip file download but if i want to save/download video/audio file.How to move ?

//Two textboxes used here,
  // take URL
  // get saving location on drive

  private void downloadbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();

    string path;
    path =  this.savePath.Text;
    Uri tmp = new Uri(this.downloadURL.Text);
    string EndPathFileName = tmp.Segments.Last();
    path = path + @"\" + EndPathFileName ;
    myWebClient.DownloadFile(this.downloadURL.Text, path );

I tried which downloaded something but unable to play it

Your problem is most likely caused by the fact that the url you posted leads to a 'Page not found' error page, rather than a wav file!

commented: Yes,u were rite +1

I wrote code for a simple downloader but wanna proceed far as my this code only supports zip/pdf downloading. Here is code:

//downloadURL is a textbox to handle user entered URI's
// savePath is for providing disk location to save

private void downloadbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();

    string path;
    path =  this.savePath.Text;
    Uri tmp = new Uri(this.downloadURL.Text);
    string EndPathFileName = tmp.Segments.Last();
    path = path + @"\" + EndPathFileName ;
    myWebClient.DownloadFile(this.downloadURL.Text, path );

1) It didn't download audio/video How do I do this?

2) It doesn't support uri's starting other than http/https/ftp etc.
is not handled using this. Why?

Suggest me please

1) What url are you using as a test for this? The last one you posted was broken.

2) If http/https/ftp isn't given, assume http, so do a check for whether the uri starts with http/https/ftp etc., and if not, just add http:// to the front of it. This is the default behaviour of a web browser in that situation.

Ok , i added

downloadURL =  this.downloadURL.Text;
downloadURL = "http://" + downloadURL;
 Uri tmp = new Uri(downloadURL);

and added

but a *.pdf file with no data got!!!
STILL not fruitful

Add using statement: using System.Net;


  • TextBox named: downloadURLTextBox
  • TextBox named: savePathTextBox
  • Button named: downloadBtn

Declare the following variables inside the class:

private string downloadURL = string.Empty;
private string path = string.Empty;

Create a method that gets and checks user input and appends / pre-pends as necessary:

private void getInput()
    //get data from textboxes
    downloadURL = downloadURLTextBox.Text;
    path = savePathTextBox.Text;

    //lower case downloadURL
    string lcDownloadURL = downloadURL.ToLower();

    //pre-pend "http://" if user didn't specify
    if (!(lcDownloadURL.StartsWith("http://") ||
          lcDownloadURL.StartsWith("https://") ||
        downloadURL = "http://" + downloadURL;

    //ensure path ends with "\"
    if (!path.EndsWith(@"\"))
        path = path + @"\";

    Uri downloadURI = new Uri(downloadURL);
    string EndPathFileName = downloadURI.Segments.Last();
    path = path + EndPathFileName;

Download the file:

private void downloadFile()
    WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();


    myWebClient.DownloadFile(downloadURL, path);

Double-click the button (downloadBtn) to create "downloadBtn_Click". Then add the following code:


It should look like:

private void downloadBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
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