How do i do a loop which is verifying that cells in the same column are numeric until the last cell which will be determined by an empty cell?
Thanks so much

Hi Lynton 1,

You'll have to adapt this to your own needs as you weren't specific regarding which column.

Sub FindNumeric()
    Dim wS As Worksheet
    Dim oC As Range
    'Loop through Column A and if numeric,
    'place the string "Numeric" in cell adjacent
    'in column B.
    Set wS = ActiveSheet
    For Each oC In wS.Range(wS.Cells(2, 1), wS.Cells(wS.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
        If IsNumeric(oC.Value) Then
            oC.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Numeric"
            oC.Offset(0, 1).Value = ""
        End If
    Next oC
End Sub

Please Could Someone Help Me With some VBA coding. I have project To determine the critical path Method (details below), I have attempted to do the majority of the coding however i am not sure how correct it is,. I would be very grateful if someone could help me as well as add some coding to determine the Critical path which works in conjunction with the Table attached.

Structure of the VBA code and rules guiding the determination of a project’s critical path:
o 1 main macro that calls/activates all the macros below.

o 1 macro that catches and reports on all incorrect entries into columns A, C, D, E, F, G and H of Worksheet “Data” (i.e. Table 1).

o 1 macro that calculates the Early Start (ES) and Early Finish (EF) dates for all activities using the Forward Pass method described below:
 ES is the earliest date by which an activity can start assuming all the preceding activities are
completed as planned.
 Hence, by default, ESThe first activity = 1 (i.e. the first day of the project)  For other activities, ESActivity B = EFActivity A + 1
 EF is the earliest date by which an activity can be completed assuming all the preceding activities are completed as planned. Therefore,
EFActivity A = ESActivity A + DurationActivity A – 1
 When many activities lead into one activity in the Forward Pass method, chose the highest EF date
to calculate the ES date for the succeeding activity

o 1 macro that calculates the Late Start (LS) and Late Finish (LF) dates for all activities using the
Backward Pass method described below:
 LF is the latest date an activity can finish in order to meet the planned completion date.  Hence, by default, LFThe last activity = EFThe last activity (i.e. the last day of the project)  For other activities, LFActivity A = EFActivity B – 1
 LS is the latest date an activity can start in order to meet the planned completion date. Therefore,
LSActivity A = LFActivity A - DurationActivity A + 1
 When many activities lead into one activity in the Backward Pass method, chose the lowest LS date
to calculate the LF date for the preceding activity.
 1 macro that calculates the Float for all the activities and indicates the activities on the Project’s
Critical Path. Float indicates how many days an activity can be delayed or extended before it will affect the completion date of the project or any target finish dates.
 Therefore, Float = LF - EF or LS - ES
 The Critical Path is the path containing activities with the minimum float (in this project, the
Critical Path is the path containing activities with zero float).

Heres the Coding i have so far

Public Type ActType

Number As Integer
Name As Integer
Nsucc As Integer
Npred As Integer
Pred(999) As Variant
Succ(999) As Variant
End Type

Sub CPM()    'Macro for Critical Path Method
Dim Acts(999) As ActType
Set dataReg1 = [A3].CurrentRegion
nActive = dataReg1.Rows.Count - 1
NPreds = dataReg1.Columns.Count - 2
Set AN = dataReg1.Columns(1)
Set Dur = dataReg1.Columns(3)

For i = 1 To nActive            'Check for non-numeric Activity Numbers
If Not (Application.Worksheets(1).IsNumeric(["A3"]).Offset(i, 0)) Then
    MsgBox ("Non-Numeric Data in cell " & [A3].Offset(i, 0).Address & ".")
      Style = vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1 + vbExclamation         'Defining the buttons on Message box
       Title = "INPUT ERROR for CPM Macro"                                     'Define message box Title
        Response = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt)
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        Exit Sub
   End If
   Next i

   For i = 1 To nActive                         'Read and Intitialize Activities
    With Acts(i)
     .Number = 0
     .Npred = 0
     .Nsucc = 0
     .Name = Data.Reg.Cells(i + 1, 2)
   End With
   Next i

   For i = 1 To nActive                         'Go through Predecessor lists
    With Acts(i)
     For j = 1 To NPreds
      If DataReg.Cells(i + 1, j + 4) <> "" Then
         Problem = True
         For k = 1 To nActive
           If Acts(k).Name = DataReg.Cells(i + 1, j + 4) Then
             Problem = False
             .Npred = .Npred + 1
               .Pred(j) = k
            End If
        Next k
        If Problem Then
         MsgBox ("Error.Activity " & DataReg.Cells(i + 1, 1) & " Activity 1 has a predecessor" & Data.Reg.Cells(i + 1, j + 4) & _
         "This is not a correct activity number.")
         Application.ScreenUpdating = True
         Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
   Next j
  End With
Next i

ActNo = 1                               'Put Activities in a logical Order
  OldActNo = ActNo
  done = True
  For i = 1 To nActive
   With Acts(i)
    If .Number > 0 Then GoTo LoopA
    If .Npred = 0 Then GoTo LoopB
    For j = 1 To .Npred
      k = .Pred(j)
      If Acts(k).Number = 0 Then
       done = False
       GoTo LoopA
    End If
  Next j
          .Number = ActNo
          ActNo = ActNo + 1
        End With
    Next i

If ActNo = OldActNo Then
 MsgBox ("The Network Has a Loop")
 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  Exit Sub
End If
If Not (done) Then GoTo LoopX

    For i = 1 To nActive                               ' Make a Successor List
      For j = 1 To Acts(i).Npred
         m = Acts(i).Pred(j)
         With Acts(m)
           .Nsucc = .Nsucc + 1
           .Succ(.Nsucc) = i
         End With
        Next j
      Next i

MaxSucc = 0
For i = 1 To nActive
 If Acts(i).Npred > MaxSucc Then MaxSucc = Acts(i).Npred
Next i

For i = 1 To nActive                             'Write a Successor List
  For j = 1 To Acts(i).Nsucc
   m = Acts(i).Succ(j)
    sucAddress = "=" & Data.Reg.Cells(m + 1, 1).Address(rowabsolute:=False, columnabsolute:=False)
      dataReg1.Offset(i, 8 + j) = sucAddress
       Next j
        Next i

m = (nActive + 9)                'Writing in the formulas
dataReg1.FormulaR1C1 = Acts(j).Dur
For i = 1 To nActive
 dataReg1.Offset(i, 0).FormulaR1C1 = Acts(i).Number          ' Logical order of Activity Number
 dataReg1.Offset(i, 10).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]+R[-8]-1"       'EF=ES+Duration-1
 dataReg1.Offset(i, 11).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[1]-R[-9]+1"       'LS=LF-Duration +1
 dataReg1.Offset(i, 13).FormulaR1C1 = "RC[-2]-RC[-4]"          'Float=LS-ES

  For i = 1 To nActive    'Formula for ES time
    If Acts(i).Npred = 0 Then
      DataReg.Offset(i, 1).Formula = "=" & StartLoc
    txt = "=Max("
    For j = 1 To Acts(i).Npred
      m = Acts(i).Pred(j)
      If j > 1 Then txt = txt & ","
      txt = txt & dataReg1.Offset(m, 3).Address(rowabsolute:=False, columnabsolute:=False)
            Next j
            txt = txt & ")"
            dataReg1.Offset(i, 1).Formula = txt
     End If
    Next i

For i = 1 To nActive    'Formula for LF time
 If Acts(i).Nsucc = 0 Then
   dataReg1.Offset(i, 12).Formula = "=" & EndLoc
     txt = "Min("
     For j = 1 To Acts(i).Nsucc
      m = Acts(i).Succ(j)
      If j > 1 Then txt = txt & "."
      txt = txt & dataReg1.Offset(m, 11).Formula = txt
    End If
Next i

End Sub

Thanks so much

commented: How about we get through one problem at a time? -1

What about your previous problem?

This is the project my previous problem was a small part of

To start, that is way too much criteria regarding things that only you know about. I'm not even sure what you mean by forward pass and backward pass methods. I don't know how the code that you have provided us relates to the requirements listed above.

What I suggest is that you post a mock workbook with some sample data. Provide before code and after code scenarios along with descriptions of what should be happening. Also, lets take this in steps, it will be better for you and better for me or anyone else who may jump in to help.

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