create a form that accepts an arrival and departure date for a reservation from the user and then calculates the number of nights and the total price for the reservation.


The price per night should be $115.

This application should validate both entries to make sure they are dates that are on or after the current date. The application should also validate the departure date to be sure that it is after the arrival date.

This application should only accept reservations within five years of the current date.

When the application starts, it should display the current date in the first text box and the current date plus three days in the second text box. That way, the user can modify these default dates as necessary.

If the user enters invalid dates, the number of nights and total price are cleared.

Ah, assignments. Good times.
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lol I'm trying to get full membership access and I need 5 posts with 5 days worth of memebership so this is one of my posts, I will post my work once I start because this is a future assignment.

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It might be worth trying this task yourself, then asking questions based on the things you get stuck on

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We're happy to help, but please don't dump homework on us.
(there's been a lot recently)

I'm trying to get full membership access and I need 5 posts with 5 days worth of memebership so this is one of my posts, I will post my work once I start because this is a future assignment.....

All your going to do is annoy people by posting things like need to attempt it yourself first and show that your trying...

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