If I have ready assembler code. How do I make it into runable code, I want to mess around with it and test it in VMPlayer.
As far as I know, I could use NASM, and all "NASM's" can be downloaded from: http://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.11.06/ so, I've managed to find the right one (?)(win32?).

**Now I'm under this link http://en.kioskea.net/faq/1559-compiling-an-assembly-program-with-nasm **
Why it does create .exe file? I don't want an .exe, I want an .iso type (not isotope), so far I know .exe is Windows only, or, is there something I don't know about?

**Then while Googling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12574924/hello-world-using-nasm-in-windows-assembly **
I would love to be able to compile it to working image first.

**Then while Googling [2] http://sudevshares.blogspot.nl/2012/01/running-your-first-assembly-language.html **

You should see Hello world! printed to the screen. Congratulations! You have just written your first assembly program in Linux!

Isn't Assembly, type of programming language, that when used by another binary program, changes to Assembly code into machine code (binary)? Or am I totally mistaken?

For a bootable image, you first need to write a boot loader. Not too hard - I've done it in the past. The boot loader executes the code found, then relocates to the actual system image to continue. Then it jumps to the actual system code. So, it is a 3 step process at the least. You can't just write some assembler and then expect it to work like a disc, iso or not.

If you want an example of creating a boot-loader, you might want to take a look at MikeOS - a simple, open source 16 bit OS for x86 based systems, written in assembly.

The site has a great tutorial here, which shows you how to create your own bootloader using assembly and how to turn it into a bootable image that you can put onto a floppy or a USB drive. Also you can download and examine the source code for MikeOS and refer to the developer guides on the website.

OK, it's only 16 bit, but it's a start isn't it?!

OK, it's only 16 bit, but it's a start isn't it?!

Great start, 16-bit is not a problem. 65535 bytes of RAM could be though, but my applications wouldn't be even close to using them, I think >.>.

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