
i'm trying to run a progrm written in perl

this is the code i wrote
perl aramorph.pl <infile> outfile

where aramorph is a notpad file with my code saved in c:\perlscripts

infile is the file that should be read from
outfile ................................wirte the output to.
both saved in c:\perlscripts

but the msg
"the system cannot find the file specified" is appere :rolleyes:

shuold i chang the in/outfile locations , or what ?

so how can i run my script:mrgreen: , any body knows the solution?


Post the Perl code...

it's to long brother Comatose and toooo compilcated
i will try to get the site that my teacher got the code from
as i told the code is error free but i can't run it

it's 390 lines ithink its hard to post it here
so what should i do?

you can post it here, but make sure you use code tags. You do this by enclosing the source in [ CODE ] and [ /CODE ] but don't use spaces.... all one word.

this is the code , briefly it the program reads a file written in arabic then it will (analyze) all words and show the output in another file with all possible meanings for all words

so plz show mehow to run it and get the output

# AraMorph.pl 
# Portions (c) 2002 QAMUS LLC (www.qamus.org), 
# (c) 2002 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania 
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (../gpl.txt).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# You can contact LDC by sending electronic mail to: [EMAIL="ldc@ldc.upenn.edu"]ldc@ldc.upenn.edu[/EMAIL]
# or by writing to:
# Linguistic Data Consortium
# 3600 Market Street
# Suite 810
# Philadelphia, PA, 19104-2653, USA.
# usage: 
# perl -w AraMorph.pl < infile > outfile
# were "infile" is the input text in Arabic Windows encoding (cp1256) 
# and "outfile" is the output text with morphology analyses and POS tags
# Not found items and related stats are written to STDERR and filename "notFound"
# load 3 compatibility tables (load these first so when we load the lexicons we can check for undeclared $cat values)
%hash_AB = load_table("tableAB"); # load compatibility table for prefixes-stems (AB)
%hash_AC = load_table("tableAC"); # load compatibility table for prefixes-suffixes (AC)
%hash_BC = load_table("tableBC"); # load compatibility table for stems-suffixes (BC)
# load 3 lexicons
%prefix_hash = load_dict("dictPrefixes"); # dict of prefixes (A)
%stem_hash = load_dict("dictStems"); # dict of stems (B)
%suffix_hash = load_dict("dictSuffixes"); # dict of suffixes (C)
while (<STDIN>) {
#$file .= $_; # we might want to get stats on the orthography and fix it (eg. if there is no "Y" convert all "y" to "Y")
print STDERR "reading input line $.\r";
@tokens = tokenize($_); # returns a list of tokens (one line at a time)
foreach $token (@tokens) {
if ($token =~ m/[\x81\x8D\x8E\x90\xC1-\xD6\xD8-\xDB\xDD-\xDF\xE1\xE3-\xE6\xEC-\xED\xF0-\xF3\xF5\xF6\xF8\xFA]/) {
# it's an Arabic word because it has 1 or more Ar. chars
print "\nINPUT STRING: $token\n"; 
$lookup_word = get_lookup($token); # returns the Arabic string without vowels/diacritics and converted to transliteration
print "LOOK-UP WORD: $lookup_word\n"; $tokens++; $types{$lookup_word}++;
if ( exists($found{$lookup_word}) ) {
print $found{$lookup_word}; # no need to re-analyse it 
elsif ( exists($notfound{$lookup_word}) ) { # we keep %found and %notfound separate because %notfound can have additional lookups
print $notfound{$lookup_word}; $freqnotfound{$lookup_word}++; 
else {
if ( @solutions = analyze($lookup_word) ) { # if lookup word has 1 or more solutions
foreach $solution (@solutions) {
$found{$lookup_word} .= $solution;
print $found{$lookup_word}; 
else {
$notfound{$lookup_word} = " Comment: $lookup_word NOT FOUND\n"; 
if ( @alternatives = get_alternatives($lookup_word) ) { 
foreach $alt (@alternatives) {
$notfound{$lookup_word} .= " ALTERNATIVE: $alt\n";
if ( exists($found{$alt}) ) {
$notfound{$lookup_word} .= $found{$alt};
else {
if ( @solutions = analyze($alt) ) { 
foreach $solution (@solutions) {
$notfound{$lookup_word} .= $solution;
else {
$notfound{$lookup_word} .= " Comment: $alt NOT FOUND\n";
}# end foreach
}# end if
print $notfound{$lookup_word}; $freqnotfound{$lookup_word}++;
}#end else
else {
# it's not an Arabic word
@nonArabictokens = tokenize_nonArabic($token); # tokenize it on white space
foreach $item (@nonArabictokens) {
print "\nINPUT STRING: $item\n Comment: Non-Alphabetic Data\n" unless ($item eq " " or $item eq "");
}#end foreach
}#end while
# ====================================================
# print out not-found words by frequency:
open (OUT, ">notFound") || die "cannot open: $!";
print STDERR "\n\n========= Some stats ============================\n";
@types = keys %types; $types = @types;
print STDERR "Tokens: $tokens -- Types: $types\n";
print STDERR "\n========= Frequency count of Not-Found =========\n";
my @items = keys %freqnotfound;
foreach my $item (sort { $freqnotfound{$b} <=> $freqnotfound{$a} } @items) {
print STDERR "$item\t$freqnotfound{$item}\n" unless ( $rank > 25 );
print OUT "$item\t$freqnotfound{$item}\n"; # unless ( $rank > 25 );
close OUT;
# ============================
sub analyze { # returns a list of 1 or more solutions
$this_word = shift @_; @solutions = (); $cnt = 0;
segmentword($this_word); # get a list of valid segmentations
foreach $segmentation (@segmented) {
($prefix,$stem,$suffix) = split ("\t",$segmentation); #print $segmentation, "\n";
if (exists($prefix_hash{$prefix})) {
if (exists($stem_hash{$stem})) {
if (exists($suffix_hash{$suffix})) {
# all 3 components exist in their respective lexicons, but are they compatible? (check the $cat pairs)
foreach $prefix_value (@{$prefix_hash{$prefix}}) {
($prefix, $voc_a, $cat_a, $gloss_a, $pos_a) = split (/\t/, $prefix_value);
foreach $stem_value (@{$stem_hash{$stem}}) {
#($stem, $voc_b, $cat_b, $gloss_b, $pos_b) = split (/\t/, $stem_value);
($stem, $voc_b, $cat_b, $gloss_b, $pos_b, $lemmaID) = split (/\t/, $stem_value);
if ( exists($hash_AB{"$cat_a"." "."$cat_b"}) ) {
foreach $suffix_value (@{$suffix_hash{$suffix}}) {
($suffix, $voc_c, $cat_c, $gloss_c, $pos_c) = split (/\t/, $suffix_value);
if ( exists($hash_AC{"$cat_a"." "."$cat_c"}) ) {
if ( exists($hash_BC{"$cat_b"." "."$cat_c"}) ) {
#$cnt++; push (@solutions, " SOLUTION $cnt: ($voc_a$voc_b$voc_c) $pos_a$pos_b$pos_c\n (GLOSS): $gloss_a + $gloss_b + $gloss_c\n");
$cnt++; push (@solutions, " SOLUTION $cnt: ($voc_a$voc_b$voc_c) [$lemmaID] $pos_a$pos_b$pos_c\n (GLOSS): $gloss_a + $gloss_b + $gloss_c\n");
}# end foreach $prefix_value
}# end if (exists($stem_hash{$stem}))
}# end foreach $segmentation
return (@solutions);
# ============================
sub get_alternatives { # returns a list of alternative spellings
$word = shift @_; @alternatives = ();
$temp = $word;
if ($temp =~ m/Y'$/) { # Y_w'_Y'
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y'
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_y' -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__y'
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__y' -- pushed
$temp = $word; # Y_w'_Y'
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y'
$temp =~ s/y'$/}/; # y_w'_}
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_} -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__}
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__} -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ m/y'$/) { # Y_w'_y'
if ($temp =~ s/Y/y/g) { # Y_w'_y'
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_y' -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_w'_y'
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__y' -- pushed
$temp = $word; # Y_w'_y'
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y'
$temp =~ s/y'$/}/; # y_w'_}
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_} -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__}
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__} -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ s/Y$/y/) { # Y_w'_y
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_y -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__y
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__y -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ m/y$/) { # Y_w'_y
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__y
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__y -- pushed
$temp = $word; # Y_w'_y
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y
$temp =~ s/y$/Y/g; # y_w'_Y
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_Y -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__Y
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__Y -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ m/h$/) { # Y_w'_h
if ($temp =~ s/Y/y/g) { # y_w'_h
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_h -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__h
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__h -- pushed
$temp =~ s/h$/p/; # y_w'_p
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__p -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ m/p$/) { # Y_w'_h
if ($temp =~ s/Y/y/g) { # y_w'_h
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_h -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__h
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__h -- pushed
$temp =~ s/p$/h/; # y_w'_p
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__p -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ s/Y/y/g) { # Y_w'__
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'__ -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&___
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&___ -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_w'__
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&___ -- pushed
else {
# nothing
return @alternatives;
# ============================
sub tokenize_nonArabic { # tokenize non-Arabic strings by splitting them on white space
$nonArabic = shift @_;
$nonArabic =~ s/^\s+//; $nonArabic =~ s/\s+$//; # remove leading & trailing space
@nonArabictokens = split (/\s+/, $nonArabic);
return @nonArabictokens;
# ============================
sub tokenize { # returns a list of tokens
$line = shift @_;
$line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; # remove or minimize white space
@tokens = split (/([^\x81\x8D\x8E\x90\xC1-\xD6\xD8-\xDF\xE1\xE3-\xE6\xEC-\xED\xF0-\xF3\xF5\xF6\xF8\xFA]+)/,$line);
return @tokens;
# ================================
sub get_lookup { # creates a suitable lookup version of the Arabic input string (removes diacritics; transliterates)
$input_str = shift @_;
$tmp_word = $input_str; # we need to modify the input string for lookup
$tmp_word =~ s/\xDC//g; # remove kashida/taTwiyl (U+0640)
$tmp_word =~ s/[\xF0-\xF3\xF5\xF6\xF8\xFA]//g; # remove fatHatAn and all vowels/diacritics (ًٌٍَُِّْ)
$tmp_word =~ tr/\x81\x8D\x8E\x90\xA1\xBA\xBF\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF\xE1\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xEC\xED\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF5\xF6\xF8\xFA/PJRG,;?'|>&<}AbptvjHxd*rzs\$SDTZEg_fqklmnhwYyFNKaui~o/; # convert to transliteration
return $tmp_word;
# ============================
sub segmentword { # returns a list of valid segmentations
$str = shift @_;
@segmented = ();
$prefix_len = 0;
$suffix_len = 0;
$str_len = length($str);
while ( $prefix_len <= 4 ) {
$prefix = substr($str, 0, $prefix_len);
$stem_len = ($str_len - $prefix_len); 
$suffix_len = 0;
while (($stem_len >= 1) and ($suffix_len <= 6)) {
$stem = substr($str, $prefix_len, $stem_len);
$suffix = substr($str, ($prefix_len + $stem_len), $suffix_len);
push (@segmented, "$prefix\t$stem\t$suffix");
return @segmented;
# ==============================================================
sub load_dict { # loads a dict into a hash table where the key is $entry and its value is a list (each $entry can have multiple values)
%temp_hash = (); $entries = 0; $lemmaID = "";
$filename = shift @_;
open (IN, $filename) || die "cannot open: $!";
print STDERR "loading $filename ...";
while (<IN>) {
if (m/^;; /) { 
$lemmaID = $'; 
if ( exists($seen{$lemmaID}) ) { 
die "lemmaID $lemmaID in $filename (line $.) isn't unique\n" ; # lemmaID's must be unique
else { 
$seen{$lemmaID} = 1; $lemmas++;
elsif (m/^;/) { } # comment
else {
chomp(); $entries++;
# a little error-checking won't hurt:
$trcnt = tr/\t/\t/; if ($trcnt != 3) { die "entry in $filename (line $.) doesn't have 4 fields (3 tabs)\n" };
($entry, $voc, $cat, $glossPOS) = split (/\t/, $_); # get the $entry for use as key
# two ways to get the POS info:
# (1) explicitly, by extracting it from the gloss field:
if ($glossPOS =~ m!<pos>(.+?)</pos>!) {
$POS = $1; # extract $POS from $glossPOS
$gloss = $glossPOS; # we clean up the $gloss later (see below)
# (2) by deduction: use the $cat (and sometimes the $voc and $gloss) to deduce the appropriate POS
else {
$gloss = $glossPOS; # we need the $gloss to guess proper names
if ($cat =~ m/^(Pref-0|Suff-0)$/) {$POS = ""} # null prefix or suffix
elsif ($cat =~ m/^F/) {$POS = "$voc/FUNC_WORD"}
elsif ($cat =~ m/^IV/) {$POS = "$voc/VERB_IMPERFECT"}
elsif ($cat =~ m/^PV/) {$POS = "$voc/VERB_PERFECT"}
elsif ($cat =~ m/^CV/) {$POS = "$voc/VERB_IMPERATIVE"}
elsif (($cat =~ m/^N/)
and ($gloss =~ m/^[A-Z]/)) {$POS = "$voc/NOUN_PROP"} # educated guess (99% correct)
elsif (($cat =~ m/^N/)
and ($voc =~ m/iy~$/)) {$POS = "$voc/NOUN"} # (was NOUN_ADJ: some of these are really ADJ's and need to be tagged manually)
elsif ($cat =~ m/^N/) {$POS = "$voc/NOUN"}
else { die "no POS can be deduced in $filename (line $.) "; }; 
# clean up the gloss: remove POS info and extra space, and convert upper-ASCII to lower (it doesn't convert well to UTF-8)
$gloss =~ s!<pos>.+?</pos>!!; $gloss =~ s/\s+$//; $gloss =~ s!;!/!g;
$gloss =~ tr/ہءآأؤإابةتثجحخدرزسشصضظعغـ/AAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOUUUU/;
$gloss =~ tr/àلâمنهçèéêëىيîïٌٍَôُِùْûü/aaaaaaceeeeiiiinooooouuuu/;
$gloss =~ s/ئ/AE/g; $gloss =~ s/ٹ/Sh/g; $gloss =~ s/ژ/Zh/g; $gloss =~ s/ك/ss/g;
$gloss =~ s/و/ae/g; $gloss =~ s/ڑ/sh/g; $gloss =~ s/‍/zh/g;
# note that although we read 4 fields from the dict we now save 5 fields in the hash table
# because the info in last field, $glossPOS, was split into two: $gloss and $POS
#push ( @{ $temp_hash{$entry} }, "$entry\t$voc\t$cat\t$gloss\t$POS") ; # the value of $temp_hash{$entry} is a list of values
push ( @{ $temp_hash{$entry} }, "$entry\t$voc\t$cat\t$gloss\t$POS\t$lemmaID") ; # the value of $temp_hash{$entry} is a list of values
close IN;
print STDERR " $lemmas lemmas and" unless ($lemmaID eq "");
print STDERR " $entries entries \n";
return %temp_hash;
# ==============================================================
sub load_table { # loads a compatibility table into a hash table where the key is $_ and its value is 1
%temp_hash = ();
$filename = shift @_;
open (IN, $filename) || die "cannot open: $!";
while (<IN>) {
unless ( m/^;/ ) {
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/ /g; # remove or minimize white space
$temp_hash{$_} = 1;
close IN;
return %temp_hash;
# ==============================================================
] [ /################################################################################
# AraMorph.pl 
# Portions (c) 2002 QAMUS LLC (www.qamus.org), 
# (c) 2002 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania 
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (../gpl.txt).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# You can contact LDC by sending electronic mail to: [EMAIL="ldc@ldc.upenn.edu"]ldc@ldc.upenn.edu[/EMAIL]
# or by writing to:
# Linguistic Data Consortium
# 3600 Market Street
# Suite 810
# Philadelphia, PA, 19104-2653, USA.
# usage: 
# perl -w AraMorph.pl < infile > outfile
# were "infile" is the input text in Arabic Windows encoding (cp1256) 
# and "outfile" is the output text with morphology analyses and POS tags
# Not found items and related stats are written to STDERR and filename "notFound"
# load 3 compatibility tables (load these first so when we load the lexicons we can check for undeclared $cat values)
%hash_AB = load_table("tableAB"); # load compatibility table for prefixes-stems (AB)
%hash_AC = load_table("tableAC"); # load compatibility table for prefixes-suffixes (AC)
%hash_BC = load_table("tableBC"); # load compatibility table for stems-suffixes (BC)
# load 3 lexicons
%prefix_hash = load_dict("dictPrefixes"); # dict of prefixes (A)
%stem_hash = load_dict("dictStems"); # dict of stems (B)
%suffix_hash = load_dict("dictSuffixes"); # dict of suffixes (C)
while (<STDIN>) {
#$file .= $_; # we might want to get stats on the orthography and fix it (eg. if there is no "Y" convert all "y" to "Y")
print STDERR "reading input line $.\r";
@tokens = tokenize($_); # returns a list of tokens (one line at a time)
foreach $token (@tokens) {
if ($token =~ m/[\x81\x8D\x8E\x90\xC1-\xD6\xD8-\xDB\xDD-\xDF\xE1\xE3-\xE6\xEC-\xED\xF0-\xF3\xF5\xF6\xF8\xFA]/) {
# it's an Arabic word because it has 1 or more Ar. chars
print "\nINPUT STRING: $token\n"; 
$lookup_word = get_lookup($token); # returns the Arabic string without vowels/diacritics and converted to transliteration
print "LOOK-UP WORD: $lookup_word\n"; $tokens++; $types{$lookup_word}++;
if ( exists($found{$lookup_word}) ) {
print $found{$lookup_word}; # no need to re-analyse it 
elsif ( exists($notfound{$lookup_word}) ) { # we keep %found and %notfound separate because %notfound can have additional lookups
print $notfound{$lookup_word}; $freqnotfound{$lookup_word}++; 
else {
if ( @solutions = analyze($lookup_word) ) { # if lookup word has 1 or more solutions
foreach $solution (@solutions) {
$found{$lookup_word} .= $solution;
print $found{$lookup_word}; 
else {
$notfound{$lookup_word} = " Comment: $lookup_word NOT FOUND\n"; 
if ( @alternatives = get_alternatives($lookup_word) ) { 
foreach $alt (@alternatives) {
$notfound{$lookup_word} .= " ALTERNATIVE: $alt\n";
if ( exists($found{$alt}) ) {
$notfound{$lookup_word} .= $found{$alt};
else {
if ( @solutions = analyze($alt) ) { 
foreach $solution (@solutions) {
$notfound{$lookup_word} .= $solution;
else {
$notfound{$lookup_word} .= " Comment: $alt NOT FOUND\n";
}# end foreach
}# end if
print $notfound{$lookup_word}; $freqnotfound{$lookup_word}++;
}#end else
else {
# it's not an Arabic word
@nonArabictokens = tokenize_nonArabic($token); # tokenize it on white space
foreach $item (@nonArabictokens) {
print "\nINPUT STRING: $item\n Comment: Non-Alphabetic Data\n" unless ($item eq " " or $item eq "");
}#end foreach
}#end while
# ====================================================
# print out not-found words by frequency:
open (OUT, ">notFound") || die "cannot open: $!";
print STDERR "\n\n========= Some stats ============================\n";
@types = keys %types; $types = @types;
print STDERR "Tokens: $tokens -- Types: $types\n";
print STDERR "\n========= Frequency count of Not-Found =========\n";
my @items = keys %freqnotfound;
foreach my $item (sort { $freqnotfound{$b} <=> $freqnotfound{$a} } @items) {
print STDERR "$item\t$freqnotfound{$item}\n" unless ( $rank > 25 );
print OUT "$item\t$freqnotfound{$item}\n"; # unless ( $rank > 25 );
close OUT;
# ============================
sub analyze { # returns a list of 1 or more solutions
$this_word = shift @_; @solutions = (); $cnt = 0;
segmentword($this_word); # get a list of valid segmentations
foreach $segmentation (@segmented) {
($prefix,$stem,$suffix) = split ("\t",$segmentation); #print $segmentation, "\n";
if (exists($prefix_hash{$prefix})) {
if (exists($stem_hash{$stem})) {
if (exists($suffix_hash{$suffix})) {
# all 3 components exist in their respective lexicons, but are they compatible? (check the $cat pairs)
foreach $prefix_value (@{$prefix_hash{$prefix}}) {
($prefix, $voc_a, $cat_a, $gloss_a, $pos_a) = split (/\t/, $prefix_value);
foreach $stem_value (@{$stem_hash{$stem}}) {
#($stem, $voc_b, $cat_b, $gloss_b, $pos_b) = split (/\t/, $stem_value);
($stem, $voc_b, $cat_b, $gloss_b, $pos_b, $lemmaID) = split (/\t/, $stem_value);
if ( exists($hash_AB{"$cat_a"." "."$cat_b"}) ) {
foreach $suffix_value (@{$suffix_hash{$suffix}}) {
($suffix, $voc_c, $cat_c, $gloss_c, $pos_c) = split (/\t/, $suffix_value);
if ( exists($hash_AC{"$cat_a"." "."$cat_c"}) ) {
if ( exists($hash_BC{"$cat_b"." "."$cat_c"}) ) {
#$cnt++; push (@solutions, " SOLUTION $cnt: ($voc_a$voc_b$voc_c) $pos_a$pos_b$pos_c\n (GLOSS): $gloss_a + $gloss_b + $gloss_c\n");
$cnt++; push (@solutions, " SOLUTION $cnt: ($voc_a$voc_b$voc_c) [$lemmaID] $pos_a$pos_b$pos_c\n (GLOSS): $gloss_a + $gloss_b + $gloss_c\n");
}# end foreach $prefix_value
}# end if (exists($stem_hash{$stem}))
}# end foreach $segmentation
return (@solutions);
# ============================
sub get_alternatives { # returns a list of alternative spellings
$word = shift @_; @alternatives = ();
$temp = $word;
if ($temp =~ m/Y'$/) { # Y_w'_Y'
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y'
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_y' -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__y'
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__y' -- pushed
$temp = $word; # Y_w'_Y'
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y'
$temp =~ s/y'$/}/; # y_w'_}
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_} -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__}
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__} -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ m/y'$/) { # Y_w'_y'
if ($temp =~ s/Y/y/g) { # Y_w'_y'
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_y' -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_w'_y'
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__y' -- pushed
$temp = $word; # Y_w'_y'
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y'
$temp =~ s/y'$/}/; # y_w'_}
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_} -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__}
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__} -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ s/Y$/y/) { # Y_w'_y
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_y -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__y
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__y -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ m/y$/) { # Y_w'_y
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__y
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__y -- pushed
$temp = $word; # Y_w'_y
$temp =~ s/Y/y/g; # y_w'_y
$temp =~ s/y$/Y/g; # y_w'_Y
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_Y -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__Y
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__Y -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ m/h$/) { # Y_w'_h
if ($temp =~ s/Y/y/g) { # y_w'_h
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_h -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__h
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__h -- pushed
$temp =~ s/h$/p/; # y_w'_p
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__p -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ m/p$/) { # Y_w'_h
if ($temp =~ s/Y/y/g) { # y_w'_h
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'_h -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&__h
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__h -- pushed
$temp =~ s/p$/h/; # y_w'_p
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&__p -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ s/Y/y/g) { # Y_w'__
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_w'__ -- pushed
if ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_&___
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&___ -- pushed
elsif ($temp =~ s/w'/&/) { # y_w'__
push (@alternatives, $temp); # y_&___ -- pushed
else {
# nothing
return @alternatives;
# ============================
sub tokenize_nonArabic { # tokenize non-Arabic strings by splitting them on white space
$nonArabic = shift @_;
$nonArabic =~ s/^\s+//; $nonArabic =~ s/\s+$//; # remove leading & trailing space
@nonArabictokens = split (/\s+/, $nonArabic);
return @nonArabictokens;
# ============================
sub tokenize { # returns a list of tokens
$line = shift @_;
$line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; # remove or minimize white space
@tokens = split (/([^\x81\x8D\x8E\x90\xC1-\xD6\xD8-\xDF\xE1\xE3-\xE6\xEC-\xED\xF0-\xF3\xF5\xF6\xF8\xFA]+)/,$line);
return @tokens;
# ================================
sub get_lookup { # creates a suitable lookup version of the Arabic input string (removes diacritics; transliterates)
$input_str = shift @_;
$tmp_word = $input_str; # we need to modify the input string for lookup
$tmp_word =~ s/\xDC//g; # remove kashida/taTwiyl (U+0640)
$tmp_word =~ s/[\xF0-\xF3\xF5\xF6\xF8\xFA]//g; # remove fatHatAn and all vowels/diacritics (ًٌٍَُِّْ)
$tmp_word =~ tr/\x81\x8D\x8E\x90\xA1\xBA\xBF\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF\xE1\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xEC\xED\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF5\xF6\xF8\xFA/PJRG,;?'|>&<}AbptvjHxd*rzs\$SDTZEg_fqklmnhwYyFNKaui~o/; # convert to transliteration
return $tmp_word;
# ============================
sub segmentword { # returns a list of valid segmentations
$str = shift @_;
@segmented = ();
$prefix_len = 0;
$suffix_len = 0;
$str_len = length($str);
while ( $prefix_len <= 4 ) {
$prefix = substr($str, 0, $prefix_len);
$stem_len = ($str_len - $prefix_len); 
$suffix_len = 0;
while (($stem_len >= 1) and ($suffix_len <= 6)) {
$stem = substr($str, $prefix_len, $stem_len);
$suffix = substr($str, ($prefix_len + $stem_len), $suffix_len);
push (@segmented, "$prefix\t$stem\t$suffix");
return @segmented;
# ==============================================================
sub load_dict { # loads a dict into a hash table where the key is $entry and its value is a list (each $entry can have multiple values)
%temp_hash = (); $entries = 0; $lemmaID = "";
$filename = shift @_;
open (IN, $filename) || die "cannot open: $!";
print STDERR "loading $filename ...";
while (<IN>) {
if (m/^;; /) { 
$lemmaID = $'; 
if ( exists($seen{$lemmaID}) ) { 
die "lemmaID $lemmaID in $filename (line $.) isn't unique\n" ; # lemmaID's must be unique
else { 
$seen{$lemmaID} = 1; $lemmas++;
elsif (m/^;/) { } # comment
else {
chomp(); $entries++;
# a little error-checking won't hurt:
$trcnt = tr/\t/\t/; if ($trcnt != 3) { die "entry in $filename (line $.) doesn't have 4 fields (3 tabs)\n" };
($entry, $voc, $cat, $glossPOS) = split (/\t/, $_); # get the $entry for use as key
# two ways to get the POS info:
# (1) explicitly, by extracting it from the gloss field:
if ($glossPOS =~ m!<pos>(.+?)</pos>!) {
$POS = $1; # extract $POS from $glossPOS
$gloss = $glossPOS; # we clean up the $gloss later (see below)
# (2) by deduction: use the $cat (and sometimes the $voc and $gloss) to deduce the appropriate POS
else {
$gloss = $glossPOS; # we need the $gloss to guess proper names
if ($cat =~ m/^(Pref-0|Suff-0)$/) {$POS = ""} # null prefix or suffix
elsif ($cat =~ m/^F/) {$POS = "$voc/FUNC_WORD"}
elsif ($cat =~ m/^IV/) {$POS = "$voc/VERB_IMPERFECT"}
elsif ($cat =~ m/^PV/) {$POS = "$voc/VERB_PERFECT"}
elsif ($cat =~ m/^CV/) {$POS = "$voc/VERB_IMPERATIVE"}
elsif (($cat =~ m/^N/)
and ($gloss =~ m/^[A-Z]/)) {$POS = "$voc/NOUN_PROP"} # educated guess (99% correct)
elsif (($cat =~ m/^N/)
and ($voc =~ m/iy~$/)) {$POS = "$voc/NOUN"} # (was NOUN_ADJ: some of these are really ADJ's and need to be tagged manually)
elsif ($cat =~ m/^N/) {$POS = "$voc/NOUN"}
else { die "no POS can be deduced in $filename (line $.) "; }; 
# clean up the gloss: remove POS info and extra space, and convert upper-ASCII to lower (it doesn't convert well to UTF-8)
$gloss =~ s!<pos>.+?</pos>!!; $gloss =~ s/\s+$//; $gloss =~ s!;!/!g;
$gloss =~ tr/ہءآأؤإابةتثجحخدرزسشصضظعغـ/AAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOUUUU/;
$gloss =~ tr/àلâمنهçèéêëىيîïٌٍَôُِùْûü/aaaaaaceeeeiiiinooooouuuu/;
$gloss =~ s/ئ/AE/g; $gloss =~ s/ٹ/Sh/g; $gloss =~ s/ژ/Zh/g; $gloss =~ s/ك/ss/g;
$gloss =~ s/و/ae/g; $gloss =~ s/ڑ/sh/g; $gloss =~ s/‍/zh/g;
# note that although we read 4 fields from the dict we now save 5 fields in the hash table
# because the info in last field, $glossPOS, was split into two: $gloss and $POS
#push ( @{ $temp_hash{$entry} }, "$entry\t$voc\t$cat\t$gloss\t$POS") ; # the value of $temp_hash{$entry} is a list of values
push ( @{ $temp_hash{$entry} }, "$entry\t$voc\t$cat\t$gloss\t$POS\t$lemmaID") ; # the value of $temp_hash{$entry} is a list of values
close IN;
print STDERR " $lemmas lemmas and" unless ($lemmaID eq "");
print STDERR " $entries entries \n";
return %temp_hash;
# ==============================================================
sub load_table { # loads a compatibility table into a hash table where the key is $_ and its value is 1
%temp_hash = ();
$filename = shift @_;
open (IN, $filename) || die "cannot open: $!";
while (<IN>) {
unless ( m/^;/ ) {
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/ /g; # remove or minimize white space
$temp_hash{$_} = 1;
close IN;
return %temp_hash;
# ==============================================================
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