Recently appeared on my desktop when i start my PC the following error:

there was a problem starting C:\PROGRA~3\9EEDE77.ccp the specified module couldn't be found

does anyone know what it is?.....

i click ok and then i work with no obvious issues

thank you

This isn't really a C++ problem. Try uninstalling the program and reinstalling the program that uses EEDE77.ccp

how can i find the program?

i dont remember which program downloaded that time...its been sometime now

thank you very much for your assistance

Navigate to the folder location the error gave you. progra~3 would be something like program files, program files(x86), program data.

this error appears once when i start the computer

when it is loading in the beginning

when it is about to start it shows the x "error" and the command i wrote before

i click ok and that's it

Which means it is a program that loads on startup. That still doesn't changethe fact that it is not working.

correct...ok it may work

u wrote before and find the program from program files etc...

how can i find the program?

if it appears on the initial loading...all programs are loading
how can i find which one is?

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