how to print my listview details ..

i found open source with class but this is only printing my 1st column also it is printing 1st column details in all column. please tell me how i can edit it . and put my all subitems of list

the class is with code is below


Public Class listViewPrinter

    Private lv As ListView
    Private location As Point
    Private border As Boolean
    Private hasGroups As Boolean
    Private title As String
    Dim titleHeight As Integer

    Private WithEvents pd As New Printing.PrintDocument

    Public Sub New(ByVal lv As ListView, ByVal location As Point, ByVal border As Boolean, ByVal hasGroups As Boolean, Optional ByVal title As String = "") = lv
        Me.location = location
        Me.border = border
        Me.hasGroups = hasGroups
        Me.title = title
        titleHeight = If(title <> "", lv.FindForm.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(title, New Font(lv.Font.Name, 25)).ToSize.Height, 0)
    End Sub

    Public Sub print()
        Dim ppd As New PrintPreviewDialog
        ppd.Document = pd
        ppd.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' structure to hold printed page details
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Structure pageDetails
        Dim columns As Integer
        Dim rows As Integer
        Dim startCol As Integer
        Dim startRow As Integer
        Dim headerIndices As List(Of Integer)
    End Structure
    ''' <summary>
    ''' dictionary to hold printed page details, with index key
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private pages As Dictionary(Of Integer, pageDetails)

    Dim maxPagesWide As Integer
    Dim maxPagesTall As Integer

    Dim items() As ListViewItem

    ''' <summary>
    ''' the majority of this Sub is calculating printed page ranges
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="sender"></param>
    ''' <param name="e"></param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Private Sub pd_BeginPrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles pd.BeginPrint
        ''this removes the printed page margins
        pd.OriginAtMargins = True
        pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = New Drawing.Printing.Margins(location.X, 0, location.Y, 0)

        pages = New Dictionary(Of Integer, pageDetails)

        Dim maxWidth As Integer = CInt(pd.DefaultPageSettings.PrintableArea.Width) - 40
        Dim maxHeight As Integer = CInt(pd.DefaultPageSettings.PrintableArea.Height - (titleHeight + 12)) - 40

        Dim pageCounter As Integer = 0
        pages.Add(pageCounter, New pageDetails With {.headerIndices = New List(Of Integer)})

        Dim columnCounter As Integer = 0

        Dim columnSum As Integer = 0

        For c As Integer = 0 To lv.Columns.Count - 1
            If columnSum + lv.Columns(c).Width < maxWidth Then
                columnSum += lv.Columns(c).Width
                columnCounter += 1
                pages(pageCounter) = New pageDetails With {.columns = columnCounter, .rows = 0, .startCol = pages(pageCounter).startCol, .headerIndices = pages(pageCounter).headerIndices}
                columnSum = lv.Columns(c).Width
                columnCounter = 1
                pageCounter += 1
                pages.Add(pageCounter, New pageDetails With {.startCol = c, .headerIndices = New List(Of Integer)})
            End If
            If c = lv.Columns.Count - 1 Then
                If pages(pageCounter).columns = 0 Then
                    pages(pageCounter) = New pageDetails With {.columns = columnCounter, .rows = 0, .startCol = pages(pageCounter).startCol, .headerIndices = pages(pageCounter).headerIndices}
                End If
            End If

        maxPagesWide = pages.Keys.Max + 1

        pageCounter = 0

        Dim rowCounter As Integer = 0
        Dim counter As Integer = 0

        Dim itemHeight As Integer = lv.GetItemRect(0).Height

        Dim rowSum As Integer = itemHeight

        If hasGroups Then
            For g As Integer = 0 To lv.Groups.Count - 1
                rowSum += itemHeight + 6
                For r As Integer = 0 To lv.Groups(g).Items.Count - 1
                    counter += 1
                    If rowSum + itemHeight < maxHeight Then
                        rowSum += itemHeight
                        rowCounter += 1
                        pages(pageCounter) = New pageDetails With {.columns = pages(pageCounter).columns, .rows = rowCounter, .startCol = pages(pageCounter).startCol, .startRow = pages(pageCounter).startRow, .headerIndices = pages(pageCounter).headerIndices}
                        For x As Integer = 1 To maxPagesWide - 1
                            pages(pageCounter + x) = New pageDetails With {.columns = pages(pageCounter + x).columns, .rows = rowCounter, .startCol = pages(pageCounter + x).startCol, .startRow = pages(pageCounter).startRow, .headerIndices = pages(pageCounter).headerIndices}

                        pageCounter += maxPagesWide
                        For x As Integer = 0 To maxPagesWide - 1
                            pages.Add(pageCounter + x, New pageDetails With {.columns = pages(x).columns, .rows = 0, .startCol = pages(x).startCol, .startRow = counter - 1, .headerIndices = New List(Of Integer)})

                        rowSum = itemHeight * 2 + itemHeight + 6
                        rowCounter = 1
                    End If
                    If counter = lv.Items.Count Then
                        For x As Integer = 0 To maxPagesWide - 1
                            If pages(pageCounter + x).rows = 0 Then
                                pages(pageCounter + x) = New pageDetails With {.columns = pages(pageCounter + x).columns, .rows = rowCounter, .startCol = pages(pageCounter + x).startCol, .startRow = pages(pageCounter + x).startRow, .headerIndices = pages(pageCounter + x).headerIndices}
                            End If
                    End If

            For r As Integer = 0 To lv.Items.Count - 1
                counter += 1
                If rowSum + itemHeight < maxHeight Then
                    rowSum += itemHeight
                    rowCounter += 1
                    pages(pageCounter) = New pageDetails With {.columns = pages(pageCounter).columns, .rows = rowCounter, .startCol = pages(pageCounter).startCol, .startRow = pages(pageCounter).startRow}
                    For x As Integer = 1 To maxPagesWide - 1
                        pages(pageCounter + x) = New pageDetails With {.columns = pages(pageCounter + x).columns, .rows = rowCounter, .startCol = pages(pageCounter + x).startCol, .startRow = pages(pageCounter).startRow}

                    pageCounter += maxPagesWide
                    For x As Integer = 0 To maxPagesWide - 1
                        pages.Add(pageCounter + x, New pageDetails With {.columns = pages(x).columns, .rows = 0, .startCol = pages(x).startCol, .startRow = counter - 1})

                    rowSum = itemHeight * 2
                    rowCounter = 1
                End If
                If counter = lv.Items.Count Then
                    For x As Integer = 0 To maxPagesWide - 1
                        If pages(pageCounter + x).rows = 0 Then
                            pages(pageCounter + x) = New pageDetails With {.columns = pages(pageCounter + x).columns, .rows = rowCounter, .startCol = pages(pageCounter + x).startCol, .startRow = pages(pageCounter + x).startRow}
                        End If
                End If
        End If

        maxPagesTall = pages.Count \ maxPagesWide

        If hasGroups Then
            items = New ListViewItem() {}
            For Each g As ListViewGroup In lv.Groups
                items = items.Concat(g.Items.Cast(Of ListViewItem).ToArray).ToArray
            items = lv.Items.Cast(Of ListViewItem).ToArray
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub pd_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles pd.PrintPage
        Dim sf As New StringFormat
        sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
        sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center

        Dim r2 As New Rectangle(location, New Size(lv.Columns.Cast(Of ColumnHeader).Skip(pages(0).startCol).Take(pages(0).columns).Sum(Function(ch As ColumnHeader) ch.Width), titleHeight))

        e.Graphics.DrawString(title, New Font(lv.Font.Name, 25), Brushes.Black, r2, sf)

        sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near

        Dim startX As Integer = location.X
        Dim startY As Integer = location.Y + titleHeight + 12

        Static startPage As Integer = 0

        Dim itemHeight As Integer = lv.GetItemRect(0).Height

        Dim bottomRight As Point

        For p As Integer = startPage To pages.Count - 1

            startX = location.X
            startY = location.Y + titleHeight + 12

            Dim cell As Rectangle

            For c As Integer = pages(p).startCol To pages(p).startCol + pages(p).columns - 1
                cell = New Rectangle(startX, startY, lv.Columns(c).Width, itemHeight)
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(SystemColors.ControlLight), cell)
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, cell)
                e.Graphics.DrawString(lv.Columns(c).Text, lv.Font, Brushes.Black, cell, sf)
                startX += lv.Columns(c).Width

            startY += itemHeight
            startX = location.X

            For r As Integer = pages(p).startRow To pages(p).startRow + pages(p).rows - 1
                startX = location.X
                If hasGroups Then
                    If r = pages(p).startRow Or pages(p).headerIndices.Contains(r) Then
                        cell = New Rectangle(startX + 20, startY + 6, lv.Columns.Cast(Of ColumnHeader).Skip(pages(p).startCol).Take(pages(p).columns).Sum(Function(ch As ColumnHeader) ch.Width), itemHeight)
                        e.Graphics.DrawString(items(r).Group.Header, New Font(lv.Font, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.SteelBlue, cell, sf)
                        e.Graphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.SteelBlue, 2), startX + 20 + e.Graphics.MeasureString(items(r).Group.Header, New Font(lv.Font, FontStyle.Bold)).Width + 12, cell.Top + 3 + cell.Height \ 2, cell.Right - 20, cell.Top + 3 + cell.Height \ 2)
                        startY += itemHeight + 6
                    End If
                End If
                For c As Integer = pages(p).startCol To pages(p).startCol + pages(p).columns - 1
                    cell = New Rectangle(startX, startY, lv.Columns(c).Width, itemHeight)
                    **e.Graphics.DrawString(items(r).SubItems(c).Text, lv.Font, Brushes.Black, cell, sf)**

                    If lv.GridLines Then e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, cell)
                    startX += lv.Columns(c).Width
                startY += itemHeight
                If r = pages(p).startRow + pages(p).rows - 1 Then
                    bottomRight = New Point(startX, startY)
                    If border Then e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, New Rectangle(location, New Size(bottomRight.X - location.X, bottomRight.Y - location.Y)))
                End If

            If p <> pages.Count - 1 Then
                startPage = p + 1
                e.HasMorePages = True
                startPage = 0
            End If


    End Sub

End Class

form1 code

Public Class Form1

    Dim groupNames() As String = {"Group1", "Group2", "Group3"}
    Dim randomObject As New Random

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        For r As Integer = 1 To 250
            Dim randomGroupName As String = groupNames(randomObject.Next(0, 3))
            Dim group As New ListViewGroup(randomGroupName, randomGroupName)
            If Not ListView1.Groups.Cast(Of ListViewGroup).Any(Function(lvg) lvg.Name = randomGroupName) Then
            End If

            Dim item As ListViewItem = ListView1.Items.Add( _
                                        New ListViewItem(New String() {String.Format("A{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("B{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("C{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("D{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("E{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("F{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("G{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("H{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("I{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("J{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("K{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("L{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("M{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("N{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("O{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("P{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("Q{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("R{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("S{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("T{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("U{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("V{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("W{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("X{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("Y{0}", r), _
                                                                       String.Format("Z{0}", r)}))

            ListView1.Groups.Cast(Of ListViewGroup).First(Function(lvg) lvg.Name = randomGroupName).Items.Add(item)

        Dim listGroups As List(Of ListViewGroup) = ListView1.Groups.Cast(Of ListViewGroup).ToList
        listGroups.Sort(New groupSorter)

        For x As Integer = 0 To ListView1.Columns.Count - 1
            ListView1.Columns(x).Width += 12

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim printer As New listViewPrinter(ListView1, New Point(50, 50), chkBorder.Checked, ListView1.Groups.Count > 0, "titleText")
    End Sub

    Private Sub chkGridLines_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkGridLines.CheckedChanged
        ListView1.GridLines = chkGridLines.Checked
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class groupSorter
    Implements IComparer(Of ListViewGroup)

    Public Function Compare(ByVal x As System.Windows.Forms.ListViewGroup, ByVal y As System.Windows.Forms.ListViewGroup) As Integer Implements System.Collections.Generic.IComparer(Of System.Windows.Forms.ListViewGroup).Compare
        Return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)
    End Function

End Class

this code is working fine but for me when i add it in my project it replace all columns with my 1st columns details and print it same way...i dont know how to add all columns..


I downloaded that example from MSDN and the difference that I can see is that the author has added 26 columns (A through Z) and set the View property of the ListView to Details.

I downloaded your code, added a ListView and did the above and it works fine. So I am assuming that you do not have column headers set or the View property set to Details.


i have headers but not a to z. i have my own headers only 4


how i can edit above codes as per my headers.i am already using listview details mode


I don't mean to be rude but the code you posted in your original question is an exact copy of the code available at code.msdn for both the class and Form1 which is why you got the answer that you did. If you are not using that code then you should really supply the code that you are using in order to get the right help.

So, could you please post the code that you are using to setup your ListView and if you have made any changes to the ListViewPrinter class then please also post that.

commented: Well picked +4

i am using the same code dear. i already mentioed it that i took this code from one website and i want to use this code but with my listview details

commented: Make an effort to understand -1

A typically example of trying to use a chunk of 300 lines of code without making an effort of understanding it and expecting others to to modify. I think not!

Ok, so please post your ListView details. That is, the code that you are using to setup and populate your ListView.

I haven't been through the entire print class as it is over 200 lines long but I do know that it works as I downloaded your original posted code. Maybe there is something that is different with your particular ListView setup that is causing the problem, but without seeing it, we won't know.

Minimalist i just need help..there are many peoples here who do same ... anyways dont help i will solve it .. thanks

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