Good day people.

They say the only way you can be a good programmer is if you learn it the hard way, by coding a lot and working on the analytical skills.

I believe that all of us in this community have faced some problems in c++ and then were actually able to overcome it.

I'd like we to share some of the problems we have faced and the way in which we solved it, the techniques we used and how long it took us to overcome the problem. I'd also like us to share some of the topics and techniques, this is now for advanced programmers, that people use in the industry that is different from what we actually learn in books.

The intention of this thread is to expose different problem solving techniques to others, so that we diversify our way of dealing with c++ problems.


They say the only way you can be a good programmer is if you learn it the hard way

You don’t really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. --- Albert Einsten

It's not about if you learned it hardway, in my case, I imagine the script being moving parts of a mechanism. spooky

My way of solving C++ bugs is attempting to think like compiler, if it says that something's wrong on line 30, I go back one or two loops and critically analyse every single step, if nothing found, then I just make search bigger and bigger.

If I can't do that, I go Google it, many people have tried the same before me, so they probably also have an answer. And if that fails, I can also ask DaniWeb experts. ascension God-like sound effect

But this is really global, the situations vary heavily depending on which type of projects you are doing, are there libraries, is this CLI or GUI. Like, there's literally millions of ways to write a program and even more ways to get it wrong, there's no The Ultimate C++ Error Solve recipe. You just go on working on your code, and if something goes wrong, you expect with hope that someone else have solved your issue, and if there's is none, you're the one solving it, and then someone else will have more hand. This is how we expand "knowledge base", by making easily reachable errors resolvable.

thanx for sharing...

One thing I learned from programming is that, we avoid a lot of bugs in our code if understand the concepts correctly.

If you are learning from a book or website, try to make sense of what is written in the learning source.

Before coding on your PC, try coding it in a peace of paper. You will notice that you will remember things much better and easier, you will improve your analytical skills, and you will become more independent of the computer to code/build you projects..

Some people can code when they are sleeping. Once they wake up they just go to the pc and write down what they had already'compiled' in their brains..:)....

So I would advise you, me and everybody to pratice more on paper-based programming(algorithms,desk-cheking,walk-through) skills, thus improving also memory and analytical skills, which are very important characteristics of good programmers.

commented: Exactly. +2
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