Member Avatar for westsiderailway

Hello Everyone,

it seems that I cannot see the wood for the trees.... :-)

I am having problems with this line of code...

StateSQL = "select * from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'"

what I am trying to do is this

 StateSQL = "select * from petrol_table where fueldate >= '2013-12-16' and fueldate < '2013-12-22'"

The second line works, but the first line gives a conversion failed when converting date and/or time error.

Thanks for reading.

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        If DateTimePicker1.Checked And DateTimePicker2.Checked = True Then
            Dim DTP1 As String = Me.DateTimePicker1.Value.ToString
            Dim DTP2 As String = Me.DateTimePicker2.Value.ToString
            TextBox1.Text = DTP1
            TextBox2.Text = DTP2
            If DTP1 > DTP2 Then
                MessageBox.Show("You MUST pick the same WEEK", "Important Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
                'EXIT SUB, as the user has incorectly clicked on the wrong days
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If

        Dim M12S As String = TextBox1.Text
        Dim M12F As String = TextBox2.Text

        'Open connection and Fill Data Table
        Dim StateSQL As String
        Dim ConString As String
        Dim Conn As SqlConnection
        Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand
        Dim DAP As New SqlDataAdapter
        Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim dt As New DataTable

        ConString = "Data Source=i7borgmatrix2\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=Petrol_Costs;Integrated Security=True;"
        Conn = New SqlConnection(ConString)

        'select * from Petrol_Table where FuelDate >= '2014-02-10' and FuelDate < '2014-02-16';

        StateSQL = ("select * from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'")
        sqlCmd = New SqlCommand(StateSQL, Conn)
        DAP.SelectCommand = sqlCmd
        DAP.Fill(ds, "PetrolCosts")
        ' dt.Rows.Clear()
        dt = ds.Tables("PetrolCosts")

        'DTRC = DataTable Row Count
        Dim DTRC As Integer = dt.Rows.Count

        TextBox3.Text = DTRC

        'If there is only 1 row or NONE then Load the ListviewBox
        'Otherwise Load the AVG,MIN,MAX Groupboxes
        If DTRC <= 1 Then
            'Load ListView with Data
            Dim LVitem As New ListViewItem
            ListView1.View = View.Details
            ListView1.GridLines = True
            ListView1.FullRowSelect = True

            For i As Integer = 0 To ds.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
                ListView1.Columns.Add(ds.Tables(0).Columns(i).ColumnName, 75)

            LVitem.Text = dt.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString



            Dim constr1 As String = "Data Source=i7borgmatrix2\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=Petrol_Costs;Integrated Security=True;"

            ds.Tables.Add(New DataTable("Table1"))
            ds.Tables.Add(New DataTable("Table2"))
            ds.Tables.Add(New DataTable("Table3"))
            ds.Tables.Add(New DataTable("Table4"))
            ds.Tables.Add(New DataTable("Table5"))
            ds.Tables.Add(New DataTable("Table6"))
            ds.Tables.Add(New DataTable("Table7"))
            ds.Tables.Add(New DataTable("Table8"))
            ds.Tables.Add(New DataTable("Table9"))
            'Get Average Price@Liter
            Using con As New SqlConnection
                con.ConnectionString = constr1
                'Get Average Price@Liter
                Using AD As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select AVG(Price_a_liter) from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'", con)
                End Using
                'Get Average Total_Liters
                Using AD As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select AVG(total_liters) from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'", con)
                End Using
                'Get Average Total_Dollars
                Using AD As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select AVG(total_dollars) from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'", con)
                End Using
                'Get MIN Price@Liter
                Using AD As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select MIN(Price_a_liter) from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'", con)
                End Using
                'Get MIN Total_Liters
                Using AD As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select MIN(total_liters) from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'", con)
                End Using
                'Get MIN Total_Dollars
                Using AD As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select MIN(total_dollars) from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'", con)
                End Using
                'Get MAX Price@Liter
                Using AD As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select MAX(Price_a_liter) from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'", con)
                End Using
                'Get MAX Total_Liters
                Using AD As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select MAX(total_liters) from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'", con)
                End Using
                'Get MAX Total_Dollars
                Using AD As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select MAX(total_dollars) from petrol_table where fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & " and fueldate < " & "'" & M12F & "'", con)
                End Using

            End Using

            If IsDBNull(ds.Tables("Table1").Rows(0).Item(0)) And IsDBNull(ds.Tables("Table2").Rows(0).Item(0)) And IsDBNull(ds.Tables("Table3").Rows(0).Item(0)) And _
               IsDBNull(ds.Tables("Table4").Rows(0).Item(0)) And IsDBNull(ds.Tables("Table5").Rows(0).Item(0)) And IsDBNull(ds.Tables("Table6").Rows(0).Item(0)) And _
               IsDBNull(ds.Tables("Table7").Rows(0).Item(0)) And IsDBNull(ds.Tables("Table8").Rows(0).Item(0)) And IsDBNull(ds.Tables("Table9").Rows(0).Item(0)) Then

                MessageBox.Show("NO DATA Availalbe!", "Select Another Month", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

                Label51.Text = ds.Tables("Table1").Rows(0).Item(0)
                Label48.Text = Format(ds.Tables("Table2").Rows(0).Item(0), ".00")
                Label47.Text = FormatCurrency(ds.Tables("Table3").Rows(0).Item(0))

                Label24.Text = ds.Tables("Table4").Rows(0).Item(0)
                Label21.Text = ds.Tables("Table5").Rows(0).Item(0)
                Label20.Text = FormatCurrency(ds.Tables("Table6").Rows(0).Item(0))

                Label39.Text = ds.Tables("Table7").Rows(0).Item(0)
                Label36.Text = ds.Tables("Table8").Rows(0).Item(0)
                Label35.Text = FormatCurrency(ds.Tables("Table9").Rows(0).Item(0))
            End If
        End If

    End Sub


StateSQL = "SELECT * FROM petrol_table " &
           " WHERE fueldate >= @sdate    &
           "   AND fueldate <  @edate"
sqlCmd = New SqlCommand(StateSQL, Conn)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sdate", M12S)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@edate", M12F)
Member Avatar for westsiderailway

Thanks Jim,

but still getting the same error.


StateSQL = "SELECT * FROM petrol_table " &
           " WHERE fueldate >= " & "'" & M12S & "'" & 
           "   AND fueldate <  " & "'" & M12F & "'"

and post the output here.

Member Avatar for westsiderailway

Thanks Jim,

After doing some research, and some debuging(walking through the code) have found out the problem was with the format of the DateTimePicker.

it was in the format of 16/12/2013
when is was needed to be 20131216

SQL was being very picky about the date format.

found the answer here

so I just changed the DateTimePicker to custom with this line

  Dim DTP1 As String = Me.DateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
            Dim DTP2 As String = Me.DateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd")

and everything is working. YEAH!! :-)

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